Me and a friend started getting closer and closer after i blocked her ex for her, per her request. Soon that turned into hand holding and stuff to help her anxiety. I started catching feelings, and when i worked the courage i asked her out. I got friend-zoned. No big deal, it happens. I take that week to distance myself and try to get over her. I finally get over her and than out of the blue she tells me that she likes me. Of course i had lost feelings for her, and i communicated that because it would’ve been unfair to do anything else. Then a mutual friend texts me asking me what happened between us. I told him my full side of the story, but my friend said thatshe had liked me for weeks before i asked her out. I show proof of what happened and things got out of hand. i sent her a paragraph explaining my side of the story and my way of thinking ending it saying that its best if we don’t date. I don’t understand how it got like this. Can someone explain where i got lost.

  1. Nobody can explain that but her. However she wont.

    Bottom line is shes playing games with you. That’s something a lot of women do even if unconciously.

    My recommendation is kiss her the next time you see her. If she isnt into it, get her out of your life and move on.

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