At the same time I’m trying to give her space as she is coming off a breakup recently. Giving her space has beem good based on this week

We had plans to hangout two Sundays ago which she cancelled, asked her through text on Tueaday how she was feeling, she was having a bad day, but got no response. She has been hot and cold the past few weeks

We had a very good week this week though, she invited me twice to her apartment to hang for a bit, walk and play with her dogs, smoke some weed, just enjoying each other’s company between work hours. It felt natural, especially after she had canceled two plans we had made. She was being her silly self with me which I love and even shared some food she had

Her siblings are here this weekend so no chance of taking her out since she wants to spend time with them, that’s why she canceled two Sundays ago. Not sure until when they’re staying

I kind of want to text her like it was nice to spend time with u and ur dogs or something, or hope you enjoy your weekend, or say hi to your dog’s for me, or just something. But after not responding to my last text I’m scared she won’t respond again even after we had a good week together

Or maybe telling her in person before leaving but I really miss her is during the weekend

Any advice?

  1. >Her siblings are here this weekend

    Well there ya go. Let her have fun with her family and if she wants to reach out to you, she will.

    Sidebar (and this isn’t a dig at you, OP): We have to remember the people we’re seeing have a whole life that doesn’t involve what we’re doing. Don’t’ be afraid to let them enjoy it. If they really wanna get up with you, they’ll reach out. Have trust in that.

  2. Yeah man… you are in the friend zone with this woman.

    Are you seeing other women? Because it sounds like you are waiting around for her and not exploring other options. I can sense that she knows you like her but you are too busy beating around the bush and she’s taking advantage of all the boyfriend energy you are giving to her while she’s recovering from her breakup.

  3. Leave her to it, these things are meant to be a two way street and you seem to be anxious about her non responses. It’s not needed, if she wanted to respond, she would, let her reach out to you after the weekend.

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