There’s not much more I can say about “Old Kinderhook”, our 8th president that you don’t already know. From his days as a leader of the Bucktails faction of the Democratic-Republican party in New York statehouse to his strong presidential response to the Panic of 1837 to his rebirth as a member of the free soil party, most historians consider him the greatest American politician. Every December 5 Americans in all 50 states commemorate his birthday with patriotic songs and fireworks. But if you had to choose only one thing to celebrate about Martin Van Buren, what would it be?

  1. I’ve never heard of anybody celebrating van burens birthday in anyway, let alone fireworks.

  2. My favorite thing is that he has one of those names that you know you know, but that you’re bugged about why you specifically know it (unless you’d been into our history lately.)


    > Every December 5 Americans in all 50 states commemorate his birthday with patriotic songs and fireworks.

    Almost changed your flair to ‘bullshit question’ for this, but figured ‘history’ would be more entertaining. Good job with the fun post.

  3. In these parts, they say Jebediah Springfield stole the idea for Whacking Day from MVB. I mean, I’m just telling you what they say. In these parts.

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