I just started talking to this person recently and they seem cool but I asked them what they do for fun and I’ve been in read for an awful long time; was this rude of me? I don’t want to lose this friendship that could really be cool because I asked a stupid question early on.

  1. I dont have good social skills, but I don’t see it as rude, isn’t that how you’re supposed to get to know people?

  2. Yes and no. So in theory, it’s not a bad question. Many people would recommend this question in order to get to know someone. As a beginner, it is ok to use.

    However, it is actually a bad question. It comes off unintentionally needy/desperate depending how social the other person is. The reason is you are asking a logical question and it doesn’t flow. Its very cliche. What was the convo about before asking that question? At this point you are looking to extend a convo. That’s fine but Some people will distant themselves when they feel like the convo is forced. Convos feel forced when you asked logical questions.

    For example: instead of what you like to do for fun?
    You may say you strike me a person who “insert hobby here”? Now this takes more skill but if you guess somewhat accurately people are more likely to engage.

    Pay attention to social savvy people. They rarely ask straight forward questions. They disguise it as a joke or they will hint around it by making statements. It flows better. The reciever feels more connected. Convos with alot of questions come off like an interview.

    Just keep that in mind when making new friends.

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