What is a dead giveaway a girl likes you?

  1. I never really understood this part. Majority comments I see here is what girls usually do without any love interest. Smiles, laughs, touches etc (all other jokes aside). What does differentiate these smiles, laugh and touch?

    Like is there something that is different between a regular smile and a flirty smile? I never know.

  2. This is more subtle but fairly obvious if you have self-awareness:

    When they orbit around you a lot more.

    If you find a girl who “seems” to be around you more often lately, pay attention. She’s trying to get closer to you. It can be as simple as moving around at a party until she’s near you to chat. Or when you find her in the exact same place where you always study for some reason.

    Obviously, if it’s school or work, that’s normal. But when you never say anything but she’s just there… that’s a solid indication of interest

  3. When you have been married for 20 years and had 3 kids i think she may have feelings for you.

  4. I was originally going in the comments to make a stupid joke, but after reading the other comments it’s clear that there is a girl you like, and you think she likes you back, correct?

    There is no 100% way of knowing that a girl likes you because all girls are different. But if she act like the other commented by laughing, smiling, touching and generally being comfortable around you. Then there is a good chance she likes you.

    But the only way to know is to ask her out! If she a friend, and you are too nervous to ask her straight to a date, try simply asking her to see a movie with you and take it from there..

    Please remember to shower, brush your teeth and don’t wear too much perfume. Good luck 🙂

  5. Lingering looks have always worked for me. One of my favorite things to do is observe what people do when they think everyone is occupied. I can’t tell you how many times I have caught people ogling their crush or someone they like. Girls get this doe-eyed aww struck look and guys get a very concentrated look. When you catch someone staring at you subtly meet their gaze, smile then look away to play it cool. Then look back again and see if they return your stare. This actually works really well in busy bars and parties and tends to break the ice. It’s like you’ve already said hello.

  6. Female answering here! – If a girl likes you, she will always ask questions about you. She will tell you about herself too, and try to relate to things you tell her. She’ll throw out subtle innuendos here and there… She’ll have inside jokes with you. She’ll ask what your plans are for the weekend hoping you might catch the hint and ask her out or invite her to something.

  7. when you notice them in your life more, because chances are they’re trying to get into your world

  8. When they let you in their personal space or enter yours.

    Everyone has a amount of space around you that you only let people you are comfortable with into. If a girl enters your personal space which is indirectly putting you in their space, she likes you.

    For example lets say you work together and you’re in a large room for a meeting but she can stand anywhere in the room and instead she comes and stands next to you, maybe her arm is slightly touching yours, she likes you.

  9. When she acts in a way that confuses me and, ten years later, I’m sitting around the house watching a Star Trek rerun and I suddenly slap my forehead and say, “You idiot!”

  10. When she sais yes when you ask her to marry her.
    But there are some more subtile giveaways leading up to this.

  11. They make eye contact with you, they smile at you, they laugh at your dumb jokes. They might lean over and touch your arm or your leg while talking to you.

    Some women’s only move is the “stare at you from across the room and quickly look away when you look at me” so it’s kind of a toss up.

  12. Visual fixation, maybe.. I ended up spending most of the night in the office/ back of house because this woman wouldn’t stop staring at me. She was fixated on me the same way a lion looks at a zebra, it was freaky.

  13. Nothing. In my life time I’ve realized one girl’s flirting is another girl’s “just being friendly”

  14. She wants to DM a single player 5e campaign for you where you RP all your seduction attempts and successes

  15. She said that she likes you lol.

    For real though, I am dumb as shit when it comes to these things. Only the VERY obvious ones I can tell. I have girls who changes their personality in response to my opinions on girls. They would try so hard to gauge their progress by asking if they’re getting more independent or whatever, despite being total orbital cases lol.

    Please, just tell me. You can be half naked around me and I won’t even know.

  16. Always watches your reactions to things and mimics you. Looks to you for how she should react to things. Very cute when this happens

  17. Unless they use words and specifically state their intent, there is no way to know. One women’s “omg so obviously flirting” can be another women’s being polite, friendly, etc…

  18. Reading some of these comments, it’s not hard to believe the guy that got a blow job from a girl still had his doubts if she liked him or not

  19. A big one that I notice is if a Woman goes out of her way to talk to you or puts herself in a position for you to engage her.

  20. When she asks you out. But truth is a few times I was asked out and I took it as a friendly thing. Ugh.

  21. Female perspective!
    Definitely eye contact, nervous habits like twirling hair or laughing at your dumb jokes.
    Finding excuses to be around you – anything from asking you to help with her car/phone/computer or offering to help you with a work assignment

    #1 clue!
    Sitting through endless hours of your hobbies. From video games, football, fishing, surfing, watching you play guitar – badly… Whatever. Sure sign she likes you if she puts up with any of those things.

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