Tonight a lady got upset that we had to check her documents. She was too busy talking on her phone and she didn’t hear instructions. She ignored staff instructions. Kept walking. We had to stop her and check her documents.
She was so offended we chased her and she was yelling at our staff. She got free upgrade.

  1. College girl said she couldn’t save her word doc to the floppy disc. After a while, I just gave up and walked over to her PC in her dorm room. I opened up A: and there was no disc so I looked in the slot, and no disc. Which she then pointed TO THE ZIP DRIVE WHERE A FLOPPY WAS CRAMED IN AT AN ANGLE. I had to use pliers to pull it out. Didn’t even check if it was still working.

  2. Used to work in a grocery store that was known for it’s cheap and expansive beer selection.

    Old cunt comes up one day with some Whiteclaws and they ring up for $6.99. She says “Uh, no, those are $4.99, the display says so.”

    I inform her that the discount only applies if she has the coupon. She tells me “No, you will give me my discount, that’s false advertising otherwise.”

    I tell her no, the promotion only works if you have a coupon. She tells me “There ARE no more coupons, give me my discount!”

    I tell her she can’t have the discount then, so she storms off to the back of the store. I hear banging on the glass beer cooler door for a minute, and she comes back looking like a smug cunt.

    “There big man, THERE’S your coupon!” I ask her if she ripped that off the display case, and she says yes. I tell her that one doesn’t count and we’re going to put the coupon back (management would get pissy if I gave it to her). She starts coming unglued, so I ignore her ranting and call up a manager.

    The manager comes up and asks what’s the problem. She says “This little bastard won’t give me my discount, and I have a coupon!” The manager apologizes, tries to ring the discount, but can’t initially because it’s covered in tape and cardboard (from the display sign). She smirks, says “You’ll learn better.” And walks off. The manager starts being a manager and chastises me. I tell him he just used the display coupon. He looked at it and went “Oh- oh…”

  3. Pretty similar to yours

    Worked in airport security (TSA) and would get outrageous people that thought I was out to get them personally

    Nah, just liked my job and had to enforce the rules.

    But damn, people really don’t like it

  4. When I worked at Best Buy there would be ads in the paper that would have DVDs for, say, $10.00. But, the DVDs on sale would be pictured in the ad. Numerous times people would grab a special edition version of the movie advertised. And numerous times we would have to correct them…no, it’s the plain Jane DVD that’s in the ad. The second a customer became a bit too loud or, a bit too aggressive…they would get the pricier movie at the sale cost. When we would have our monthly store meetings and the cost of losses would come up we would always bring up how management just buckled. And, boy, did the store manager hate hearing the underlings shitting on the management.

  5. Back when I worked retail, I once ID’d a woman for some alcohol which she wanted to purchase. Instead of giving me her license, and taking the compliment of looking 21 (she was clearly middle-aged, in hindsight) she went on some rant about how cashiers these days “are Nazis” because we’re not ‘taught to think critically.”

  6. I worked at Domino’s (thanks to an old coworker hooking me up) for literally a week and hated it.

    On my second day, I had a lady call and place an order for wings and a large pepperoni & sausage pizza. When you box the food, you have to print a label for the order and put it on the side of the box to let the driver know who has what.

    At the end of the order, I ask for her debit card. I had to ask her to repeat the number multiple times because there was loud music and kids shouting in the background (it was also noisy at work as well). She grew upset, and when she finished giving me her card number, she added “*Y’all better get my food right too!*”

    I didn’t. Right pizza, wrong set of wings. This wasn’t intentional, but this was a big mistake on my end. Per policy, delivering the wrong order results in the customer getting free cinnastix/breadsticks with their order. My boss wasn’t too upset, but the look everyone have me stung a little. I told her how hard it was for me to hear the lady and the attitude she had. Granted, I would be upset too having to repeat the same thing 5 times, but I’d also make sure the person can hear me properly the first time I say it.

  7. Working at an Apple Service Provider I have my fair share of stupid or annoying customers.

    The worst customer I had by far was a middle aged woman (around their 30s-40s I’d say) who’d go out of her way to sexually harass me. She’d ask me to explain something then get waaaaaay to close for comfort. Every time she asked to try out a product she’d lean in a way that directly showed me her butt. She’d also start touching my arm with her, almost entire, body, like stepping really close and making a lot of comments. I told her on multiple occassions to stop and she told me something about being unprofessional and kept going. I’m not the type of guy who snaps easily but after 30 minutes of that I was really fed up and so glad we finished and she bought one of our items. She then asked me for my name and phone number and insisted on it. I then wrote a random ass number, ripped it apart and gave her the death stare. She didn’t understand and continued pushing. Seeing as she was the only customer I went outside and she followed me. I then pointed to something and made her focus there. I went back inside and locked the doors. I then sat down and listen to her yelling and knocking on the windows. After like 10 minutes she left and after 10 more minutes (to be sure) I opened the doors again.

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