How did you realize your SO actually loves you?

  1. In the beginning it was just his eagerness to be around me and want to do something or nothing together. 20 years later – he would still prefer to do something with me than anyone else.

  2. he literally cries tears of happiness when we have our moments sometimes because he feels “love”

  3. He is attentive and listens to me, even when I have something difficult for him to hear. He sometimes knows what I’m feeling before I do.

  4. we met in 2017 and finally asked me out in march of this year. he waited long enough to get a chance with me I guarantee hes not going to do anything to fuck this up lol. but in all seriousness he shows me how much he cherishes me in too many ways to go into because I could sit here and brag about him until the sun comes up.

  5. He chooses to be with me. He does small things like caress me, kiss my hands, hugs me, protect me when i feel scared. He’s willing to go through difficult conversation to make me feel better.

  6. He makes the biggest effort to understand and handle my mental illness. I‘ve never met anyone who‘s that patient with me, even tho I can be the biggest pain in the ass sometimes.

  7. We were in LDR for a year plus. During that time, he bought a flight ticket to see me almost every week. We’re in the same country but different states, our states are separated by an ocean. His workload is heavier than me.

    Only love can make a man do this. And I’m happy he’s mine 🥰

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