That is just absurdly crazy!! I keep wondering why there are so much more men in online dating apps.

  1. For a long time men were valued on by their partnership and unfortunately it still appears to be that way.
    Dating apps are tough for everyone (Men, women, and everything in-between).
    The challenge for men is finding a women
    The challenge for women(I think I’m not a women) is finding a guy that won’t harm them since it is very VERY common for predators to use dating apps.

  2. I can’t speak for every woman, but in the 2 days that I tried online dating it was hard for me to find anyone that I found attractive from just pictures and a few sentences and it just felt weird to me. That’s not to say they were all “unnattractive”, I just learned that I can’t really asess attractiveness from pictures. I need to see a guy’s mannerisms, how he talks, and how the conversation flows to know whether I am attracted or not. Usually once I get to know someone and we hit it off, then the visual attraction develops. I’m not sure how many other women are this way, but I’ve heard women tend to be less visual than men, so that might be it.

    I also got a lot of really weird and pushy messages. A few were nice sincere messages, but everyone had some dealbreaker or another, and I felt overwhelmed and guilty at the thought of having to reject so many people. I ended up deleting the app because it all felt too weird for me. Then I met someone a couple weeks later out in real life. So glad I deleted it because it was ruining me emotionally.

  3. Women overall are vastly more likely to be happy and mentally healthy while consciously being single. Men aren’t. Single men are much more likely to be desperate and emotion unstable about being single.

    The few women that do try apps are immediately deluged by creeps, sex pests and strange desperate men. This is, naturally, very repulsive to normal people. Being at least content with being single, most will either delete the app immediately or after some bad experiences. That leaves just the men.

    Short version, single men are desperate, single women aren’t.

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