What’s the most wholesome story you have?

  1. I had my baby girl in my arms moments after her birth. I got to introduce her to my wife, laugh and smile , cry together and just be in awe while the three of us cuddled as a family for the first time . Thatā€™s the shit that keeps me grounded no matter what.

  2. A small palm tree that I had planted the year before had died.

    The ground was still soft around the base so I just grabbed it and pulled it out.

    My 8 year old son witnessed – he runs into the house and announces “Dad just ripped a tree out of the ground with his bare hands!!!”

    The other kids come out to see as I was walking to the garbage bin with the dead tree over my shoulder.


    It really wasn’t a big deal, it was a small tree but to little kids it looked larger – still, their reaction had me feeling like a titan!

  3. One time when walking my dog (she’s a german sheperd – Rottweiler mix) suddenly a cat approached us.
    My dog was so scared of the little kitty that she stood behind me but the cat just approached her and tried playing.

    We thought that was it but he followed us home and long story short we have a cat now.
    Sometimes they cuddle together, she is still a bit scared of him but now I see her initiating play time with him sometimes.

    They both always ask for belly rubs and they love their walks!

  4. My friend got a radio stolen out of his car after a night out and his first thought was “Well at least I hope he was able to use it to provide for his family”

    He’s the sweetest guy I know but yeah….

  5. My mom & I noticed my dad was spending extra money on groceries outside of our planned budget

    He would hide what he bought bc we couldnā€™t find it

    Always avoiding our qs about what heā€™s buying too since he throws away the receipts outside the house

    One day I followed his car when he went out ā€œfor just a driveā€

    He drove into a nearby alleyway a block from our house then a bunch of cats who recognized him swarmed his car

    I realized my dad bought cat food & has been feeding local stray cats for weeks, even got them a bowl & they recognize his car

    I also realized they recognized my car by running up to mine since he would borrow my car on his ā€œdrivesā€

    The strays are so confident & trusting of him that one sits in the middle of the road blocking his car not afraid of getting hit then starts meowing at my dad like an upset grandma who waited way too long for her food to arrive

  6. I had a Rottie named Cooper growing up who was a trained guard dog. He would tear someone apart if they got near me or my mom. But my granny had a Persian cat named Snickers that Cooper was terrified of! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Now. Snickers was a fat, old Persian who was never far from my granny’s lap. She was in no way ferocious. But Cooper wouldn’t even be in the same room with her. It got so bad we stopped bringing him to my granny’s house.

  7. My cat saw a leaf blowing outside the other day – She tapped on the glass as I was heading out for my doobie, trying to get it. As I stepped out, I grabbed it and tossed it in the house for her – She literally galloped over to it and did the cutest pounce, and picked it up and threw it and chased and played with it.

    At least I have SOMETHING left down there in my charred goopmass of a heart.

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