I liked one girl from my office, she also show some interest in me like always greeting me with wide smile, talking with me not very freely but in a good manner, one day we were returning home in cab she took my contact number from one of the group of WhatsApp and saved in her mobile asking me is it my number and I told her to give missed call on my mobile so I can have her contact number too.
She followed me on LinkedIn too very next day as she saw me scrolling LinkedIn in mobile in cab
In cab she also asked whether I am married

Today I initiated conversation on WhatsApp asking a normal question regarding technology she works on and tried to take conversation on casual discussion end but she responded just with single word answers

I really don’t understand what is happening here.

Please help I am feeling really depressed

  1. She could be busy, she could be embarrassed for being forward, she could have decided she doesn’t want to get involved with someone from the office, perhaps she’s not interested. She is also the only one who will be able to answer this question. You can either wait it out and let it drive you crazy or ask her out for a cup of coffee and see what happens from there

  2. Maybe you are reading too much into this. Perhaps she is just being friendly with you since you work together. Now unless she continues the conversation and ask you about non work related things often or talks to you outside of work often; then there might be some interest. For now, just be cool. Don’t make this more than what it is. Stay focused on your job.

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