
Welcome to our daily scheduled post: Daily Slow Chat, which will replace Slow Chat Sunday from now on.

This is a post meant for general, unrelated, more civil, and all-over-the-place every day, and meta discussions that do not warrant their own threads. So if you just wanna chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators (Please mark those \[Mod\] so we can find them), or just wanna talk about oatmeal this is the thread for you!

We have a server on Discord BTW. It’s very small right now, and we’d love to have more of you over there. Do both of us a favor, [and use this link to join the fun](https://discord.gg/BTX7cK3R4k). If you need manual verification, just ping one of the mods: they should be visible at the top of the sidebar.

The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. I haven’t had much of a chance to travel yet, but many here who do have probably noticed that the seasons feel different when they move. I’ve always wondered about why different places have different climates even at the same latitude, why some places are dry while others are wet. A few years ago I discovered someone who knew the [answer](https://youtube.com/c/Geodiode1). This guy’s series “The Secrets of World Climate” goes through all the Koppen Climate zones and why they exist.

  2. So apparently when you apply for a US Visa they require you to declare all your social media accounts to them (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, thankfully not Reddit) 🙃 I mean, I don’t think my FB account is compromising in any way but I’m not that keen on letting US immigration officers see all the embarrassing things I said as a teenager either. I mean, I’ve always set my FB privacy settings high (mostly to deter embarrassing parents rather than embarrassing immigration officials) but maybe the FBI are more likely to find ways of getting around that…

  3. Anyone else find that “based” is ironically the least based word ever? Or is that just me? Perhaps I’m just getting too old…

  4. Today I’ll go foraging for rose hips around the countryside. I only know to use them for jam or dry them for tea. Do you know of any interesting recipes to do with rose hips?

  5. So, the walking tour of Palermo looking at ‘streets with strange names’ (and hearing the history and the legends behind them) was really interesting…I know this city quite well, but I still learned a lot.

    One thing many of the streets in the centre have in common is that the original name was in Arabic.

    Then this name was twisted in some way, after the Arabs were replaced by the Normans,or even later.

    So many names have at least two or more different sources or definitions/meanings, both of which may be true.

  6. So, after the prompt that I got here, I painted a pike (fish) today. I am a pretty decent sketcher, but my watercoloring still sucks. It is so painful to destroy the pretty underdrawings with horrific painting… but I think it is getting better.

    I am wondering if I should go foraging for sloe berries. I make sloe gin every year, but I somehow can’t drink as much as I make, and I still have some bottles leftover from previous years. They do get better with age, though.

    The weather is absolutely lovely. The perfect autumn day.I hope it stays like this for a bit.

  7. How known and used are Dacia cars in your country? I’m in Romania so our weird little car brand matters a lot to us and you see them everywhere. How is it in your country, do you have any opinion on them?

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