Edit: I am a woman asking this from a man’s perspective.

Since women can be so emotionally driven when it comes to things. How do you go about cutting ties with toxic family members or setting boundaries? What’s the best way in your opinion?

  1. I’ll bet you’re a big hit with the ladies. You probably could have asked this question without the stereotype about women.

  2. I call them out in front of as many family members as I’m able each time the opportunity comes up. I’m careful with my words and make sure these conversations are either in front of witnesses or through texts/emails so I can reference them should they try lying to others. It’s worked so far. Since then they leave me alone and chill out when I’m around.

  3. Why make unnecessary drama just nope out. Don’t engage. If they happen to be at a family event you’re attending pertaining to another family member just cold shoulder and avoid. If confronted then called out for their actions and just minimize any interaction with them.

  4. I had face to face conversation with them, told them their options and ultimatum.

    Then because they wanted to mess about and continue their nonsense I cut them out of my life. I simply stopped making any effort to contact them and they made zero effort to contact me.

    Cut contact with father, mother and sister. Never spoke to them again, mother and father died with never seeing their grandchild, not sure about sister haven’t spoken to her in about 30 years.

  5. Call the target on their bullshit. Start with each event, date it, give details, do the break up in front of witnesses that know the targets behavior. Get all of the shit out, flip them off, let out a good ‘fuck you’. Worked well for me. Years later did they come back around, and start trying to make repairs to the relationship

  6. I did just cut off half of my family and I had no problems with it at all. Only my brother, mother and step-dad are really important to me, the rest is either dead or doesn’t click with me at all.

  7. Funny you ask, Dr K had a new yt video on exactly this question. It is good, I wish I saw it years ago

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