im a junior in college (21 years old) and never been asked out. not even sure if any man had been interested in me. I never really felt anxious about this ( I always thought it will happen when it happens), but im beginning to get nervous. I never felt like I was a bad person or had a bad personality. I never felt ugly. But now im just getting constant doubts . I beginning to realize how a lot of guys tend to ignore me and dont even acknowledge me. they treat my prettier friends better (which is fine because I wouldn’t want a guy who treats people like that anyway, but it still gets to me). also im tired of seeing people coupling up. idek what do to anymore

  1. Hmm sounds like your confidence is shot, why not try talking to someone, it’s okay to get rejected just don’t give up and try again

  2. Why not try OLD and questioning your very existence with the amount of “sup’s” that will slide into your dms lol.

  3. >idek what do to anymore

    Keep your head up – a lot of what you’re experiencing comes with the territory of dating at your age. It’s pretty shallow. I know that as a 21 year old guy, I overlooked a lot of amazing women because my priorities were elsewhere. It wasn’t that they weren’t attractive or had bad personalities, it’s that my mind was laser focused on whomever had the most sex appeal. The only exceptions were women who went out of their way to get my attention.

  4. You’re not missing out. Hopefully the first man who shows interest will actually really like you. When you’re pretty you get attention from everyone and that includes people who want to use you for one thing.

  5. Or maybe u can ask a guy out ? Unless if u have extremely high standards which would defeat your whole statement about not wanting “guys that move like that”. Cuz u doing the same thing

  6. You’re still young I wouldn’t worry about it. You can’t rush this kind of thing.

  7. >and never been asked out. not even sure if any man had been interested in me.

    What about you though? Have you ever been interested in someone? Have you asked someone out?

  8. I was the same way. What helped me was going to therapy and gaining more confidence in myself.

    Once you realize you’re a great person worth being in a relationship with, other people will notice that and will be more interested.

    Try putting yourself out there more, that’s another thing that held me back. Maybe dating apps could help?

    In the meantime, don’t worry too much about it and enjoy your time with friends in college. It’s the best time of your life so live it up while it lasts!!

  9. Most boys are just like most girls. Its not like that when you are a boy, asking people out is easier. Lot’s of guys are just too scared or nervous to ask a girl out. So maybe you should start asking them yourself. We live in a world where equality is very important. That means that females also need to do hard things that in the past where being seen as a mans job. That means asking guys out yourself, splitting the bill and things like that.

    So my best advice is to start asking guys out. Searching yourself will always be the best way to find someone. You can wait until a guy will approach you but that might take some time as you described. Guys will very much appreciate it if you make the first move and this will give you extra credits.

    Good luck!

  10. I don’t think the problem is your looks, but more your self-confidence. I may sound like a help-book, but confidence in one-self is very sexy. Look at any public speaker.

    Also if you want to go on a date with someone, don’t wait for them to ask you. Men (especially at your age) are incredibly dense. You could almost drop a written invitation into a guys lap, and you got a good chance that he will give it back with a “You dropped this”.

    Confidence is key, and what is more confident then a woman walking up to a man and asking him out for drinks or dinner?

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