I’m 15 and started wearing briefs again this year because, well, I missed them. I stopped wearing briefs when I was 6 or 7 due to peer pressure and also because it was considered the norm. My brothers called and still call briefs “triangle pants”. When I put them on this year I just realised how much I missed them and how much I missed the comfort/support. I thought it’d be awkward changing for pe but it turns out about 4 others in my class wear briefs as well. My question is why are boys expected to stop wearing them?

  1. I’m curious too; I’m a briefs guy and have actually gotten a snicker from a woman about it and she wouldn’t tell me why.

  2. Boxer briefs are where it’s at, don’t be caught rocking tight whiteys when you’re in college you’ll never live it down lol

  3. Wear what you want, it’s you that needs to deal with the comfort/discomfort of your clothes. Though if it’s support you like, if you’re really worried about appearances check out boxers briefs. Boxer style, but more snug and supporting like briefs.

  4. This seems like perhaps a pressure you experienced personally that isn’t as widespread as you might think?

  5. You do you when it comes to underwear. I prefer boxer briefs, but then still have some briefs kicking around. Never the basic white that you buy in a 5-pack. I get something like Calvin Klein briefs, as colorful as possible.

  6. I never liked them. I changed out of them when I was in middle school, about 20 years ago, into Boxers, and have never gone back, or into anything else.

    Wear what you like, not what others like, or what the norm is.

  7. Nothing against Briefs, they crowd my boys though, can be a little painful if your sitting a lot.

  8. This is another loaded question.

    No one cares about your underwear, brother. There is no unwritten rule about changing underwear once a boy reaches a certain age.

    That might have been the case for you, but your experiences are NOT universal.

    Clothing choice is heavily influenced by culture, at the very least.

    Just wear what you like to wear (personally I wear athletic boxer briefs because I have worked outside most of my adult life and the chafing of sweaty meat rubbing together for a whole day WILL ruin your ability to walk.)
    And if anyone comments on your underwear, publicly shame them for checking you out in the locker room.

  9. Wear what you want and what’s comfortable to you. But, I stopped wearing briefs and wore boxers for awhile and I mentioned I wore boxers and a few guys I worked with got me back into briefs. So I kind of thought that I was expected to stop wearing boxers at one point.

  10. life is short

    do what you want, the world tends to be insecure so they have to follow the crowds to get complements or to be favored in some way for appreciation or whatever weird stuff comes with that

  11. A lot of people don’t seem to realise that you can buy briefs in adult sizes. You don’t have to wear the same ones you had as a kid. 😁

    Personally, I own (and regularly use) most variants of underwear, and I have to say that I don’t understand why people are so against briefs. Could it be another circumcised vs intact penis thing? I don’t know…

  12. You’re supposed to stop wearing them when you get old enough to be self-conscious about what other people think about your underwear.

    You get to wear them again when you get over your hangups and make choices based on comfort and practicality.

  13. it’s a tricky one to unpack. I think when I was that age there was a certain amount of stigma there too – whether it was briefs being childish/boyish, whether boxers are seen as more grown-up (some peri-pubescent bullshit about their junk being free to grow which is Not How That Works). Early teens especially being self-conscious about body image, disdain of what’s not it or seen as puny. Body shape, body image, when bodies are changing monthly. I don’t know.

    And yeah, you’re right: it is basically bullcrap. Wear what makes you comfortable, and to hell with other people.

    (This is all said with the privilege of being a Grown-ass adult who stopped having to deal with this shit with a long time ago, but has worked in education environments recently enough to have been reminded this sort of thing can very much be A Thing.)

  14. My only problem and reason why I switched to boxer briefs was that I would sit for so long in classes that the edges/the sewn parts around the holes for the legs would hurt to sit on for long so I switched to boxer brieds so that thick part of my underwear would be around my thighs instead of between my butt and thighs. I personally was never embarrased by wearing briefs

  15. Because they only work for little boy balls. Man balls need to hang low for comfort.

    Also, Hollywood ruined them with the skid marks in tightywhitey trope

  16. I don’t know at 12 I stopped wearing anything under pants and it was most comfortable so

  17. I actually went back to tighty whities after watching the first episode of Breaking Bad.

  18. Wear whatever you’re comfortable wearing. Just make sure they’re clean and replaced regularly

  19. Ain’t nothing wrong with tighty whities. There’s a weird stigma around them, I think it’s just something funny that people catch onto during high school, but that’s less of a thing now. Wear whatever makes you comfortable. I wore boxer briefs until one day I re-tried briefs and realized I didn’t have to have a wedgie all day, never going back.

  20. I wore briefs right through my childhood, up until I was 18. When I was a young kid I could change Infront of my friends and nobody cared if I was wearing briefs. When I was a teenager still nobody cared. Even when I was 13 I got pansted in school and I had briefs on. Nobody laughed at the fact I was wearing briefs, just the fact that I was pansted. Sad to think nobody cared what underpants you wore and now a boy is afraid to get changed Infront of a friend incase they make fun of his briefs.

  21. I’m 43 and have always worn pants (the British word for briefs). Boxer shorts never suited me.

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