He also said that if my boyfriend wasn’t in the picture he hoped that we’d be together. Me and my boyfriend (M25) has been together for a few months. I told my guy friend that I’d never date him even if I was single. I love my boyfriend very much and my guy friend crossed the boundary.

I dont even know where did he get the idea from that I might like him in a romantic way when I’m in a relationship and he knows it. I was nice to him and told him my relationship issues and hung out with him pretty often since he’s my friend.

I rejected him and I feel like I have to distance myself from him and even his messages now annoy me and I dont wanna read them nor reply to them.

TL;DR – My guy friend has feelings for me but I’m in a relationship and rejected him. Did I do it in the right way?

  1. Yes you did. And you’re right, the two of you need to distance yourselves until he gets over his feelings for you and can be a friend without ulterior motives.

  2. Yes, you did. Unfortunately when a straight guy acts like your friend you can’t always trust it, even when you have a boyfriend. Unless you’ve known them since childhood (and sometimes even then), there’s always a chance they’re just trying to date you and not being honest about it. Block him and be careful who you confide in.

  3. You did it right.

    He was honest and took his shot, but now he should let you be. Seems like he can’t handle rejection, he needs to grow up. Tell him off and threaten to block if he keeps pestering you

  4. Yes you did it the right way. Your guy friend was trying to cross a boundary to “see” if you’d cheat on your boy…. You passed the test my friend. You’re a good person and you did the right thing.

  5. You don’t owe this man who put you in the fuck zone a single thing. You don’t owe him friendship now.

    You did the right thing, and I’m sorry you had to go through this. I know how it makes you feel like a piece of meat.

  6. You rejected him as a partner (rightfully) but HE rejected YOU as a friend. The difference is you never pretended to be in a relationship with him, but he did pretend to be your friend. He’s scummy and you did everything right.

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