I’m 24 and still a virgin. I got 1 ex bf but we broke up before we meet (LDR) now i feel like i want to have sex with someone just for the sake of experiencing sex but i’m not sure what guys think about hooking up with a virgin girl

I matched with this guy on tinder and we’ve agreed to hook up with each other but i haven’t told him yet about the fact that i’m a virgin

**update** i told him and he’s okay with it. I don’t want to wait because I can’t see myself dating anyone right now. I don’t wanna wait till i’m 30 and still be a virgin

  1. You should probably tell him I mean I wouldn’t mind I’m not sure about other guys but I wouldn’t mind. You need to tell him for your sake soo he knows to be gentle with you

  2. Personally no, never now. Did it with girlfriends, once when I was 17, then when I was 22. Both times it wasn’t about the sex really, as for obvious reasons they were anxious, nervous and didn’t know what they were doing and they were both emotional occasions. No problem for me as I cared about both girls immensely, but at this stage of my life? Nah, if I’m hooking up I want someone who has some experience and knows what they want

  3. If you’re anxious about it just mention it and ask if that’s okay with them. There’s no shame in having less experience as long as you feel comfortable, safe, consensual, and ready to explore pleasure!

  4. There some guys that won’t do it knowing you are a virgin. I’m going to be honest every story I’ve heard of a girl doing this they regretted it because it wasn’t fulfilling. Hookup culture is a lie sold to women. My advice is lose it to someone you at least trying to start a relationship with.

  5. Not now nope, just speaking for myself. Been about 10 years since I last did that and it’s not really the sexual experience I kinda want from hookup sex. Honestly can’t think of anything worse. I’m 31, so maybe that’s why but I been there done that many moons ago. Can’t be hooking up and feeling like I’m giving instructions and stopping every 20 seconds as she’s not used to it, completely different experience. If it were a girlfriend, then yeah. Again, at my age, I’m not likely to come across a virgin given my age requirements

  6. Good thing about being a girl is that it doesn’t matter. A 24yo guy who’s a virgin will instantly be friendzoned.

  7. Why did you wait so long to just throw your first time away on some tinder guy? And sex is sex, 99% of men will not care, but please understand the likely hood of a tinder date just ghosting you after sex is high. So if you want to save your self for a relationship this is not the way. Sex is a smidge better with someone you love/have a connection with too.

  8. So, you’ve never dated IRL?

    I would stick to meeting people face to face for starters.

  9. I wouldn’t mind it, but you really should talk about it explicitly, because a virgin girl needs a different kind of attention. You don’t want your first experience to be fucked up. Also, you should choose your partner well. So someone who knows what he’s doing.

  10. Guys don’t care as long as you don’t become clingy as shit. Also, there is no need to tell them you’re a virgin unless you really are one of those people who care so much about who is your first

  11. Save your first time for someone you care about. Some guys get off on deflowering a virgin. I think to avoid any regrets down the road, you should wait.

  12. Maybe it’s the big brother in me, but your post really struck a nerve. You’re going to throw away a special moment for some random guy on Tinder? I’m [29M] literally just had a flashback right before I saw your post. My Vcard revoking experience was so awful that I still have flashbacks about it every once in a while. Sometimes I laugh at it, sometimes it makes me space out, staring through my window for a minute.

    You can only lose it once and it will be a core memory forever. You have the choice to make it either regretful or very special. What have hookup culture done to young women man it’s sad.

  13. 24f & I’m on the same boat, I really just want to have sex and I’m not good at establishing a relationship with anyone so I’ve been considering this. Let me know how it goes lol 😂

  14. Most guys won’t care that you’re a virgin. In fact most guys probably prefer it because it means you’re innocent and STD free. But why would you want to lose your virginity to some random hook up? If you waited this long you might as well wait for someone you care about.

  15. You should wait until you find someone that it means something with. Otherwise you might regret it knowing that you lost it for a tinder hook up.

  16. I am a guy. Felt the same way when I was a virgin at 18 years old. Hooked up with a chick from Tinder. It was meh. Unironically sex in a relationship is better

  17. Spoiler Alert: You immediately lose value the second you lose your virginity. Good luck giving it away for free to some random dude let us know how that works out in the long run

  18. Losing it just to lose it is a bad idea that you *will* regret.

    Age 30 is six years away. You’re in no danger of becoming a spinster just yet.

  19. No one needs to know your sexual past or lack of. You’re entitled to keep that private.

    Best wishes!

  20. I (21F) never had sex until I was almost 20 and it was with a guy I met on bumble that I had been hanging out with for a month. I don’t regret it at all and barely think about it ever lol. I think what’s most important is that u are doing this for YOU and the guy you are sleeping with is not just doing this to have sex (which if u met him in tinder for a hook up he is). Since it’s your first time u are probably going to be nervous and it’s much better when u have someone who CARES about you that will take the time to do what makes u feel comfortable, instead of some guy who will probably rush things and leave you with a bad experience. Your first time doesn’t need to be magical, but that doesn’t mean it should be with some rando from tinder either.

  21. Yes but, at 33yo, im not going to wait for what could be months to have sex with a girl, virgin or not.

  22. Gonna be straight up with you, you should probably prepare yourself to be let down. Hookups are not fulfilling. He honestly may not even try to get you off. I hope I’m wrong, but I’ve heard a lot of stories where the guy just cums and goes and then the girl is left unsatisfied, disappointed, and sometimes resentful.

    So yeah there’s also a risk of you coming to look poorly at sex because of a bad first time. If there’s no chemistry on the date, don’t do it. I am a firm believer that sex without chemistry is not worth it. You should wait until you at least have a date with someone you like. Don’t just hook up to hook up for your first time.

    If a guy genuinely cares about you, he won’t care if you’re a virgin or not. His only focus would be on making you happy and satisfied. 9 times out of 10 you won’t get that from a tinder hookup. If you go through with this, hopefully this guy is the 1 in 10 that cares.

  23. I don’t think men care, a lot of men just will get whatever sex they can get. I’m 21 & still one, but for me I think I’d be willing to wait if it means deeper trust & relationship out of it. You’ll be fine, just think it through unless you’re totally sure this is what you want.

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