Not that this happens often, but on the rare occasion it does, I create as much space as possible, and don’t look or acknowledge her at all while passing.

In contrast, with men I tense up for a second but I don’t feel compelled to create as much space. I don’t stare, but I don’t avert my eyes, either. I read his body language. Then as we pass, I give the guy “you good? Ok, me too” head nod and keep it moving.

  1. I usually walk my dogs late and live by a somewhat busy part of town. I usually try to make myself visible and make it clear I’m just walking my dogs, and just say hello as I keep walking

  2. Scuff my feet against the ground to make sure she’s aware of my presence, but otherwise just keep doing whatever I was doing.

  3. I make noise while walking and say “Hello how are you?” a few seconds before we pass each other

  4. I break into a dead sprint directly toward her, squealing like a pig on fire and flailing my arms around.

  5. I’ll cough or walk loudly to let her know I’m there, if we make eye contact I’ll smile and say hello, if she looks nervous I’ll cross the street

    I’m 6’3 and bearded, i startle a lot of people

  6. Usually I change to the other side of the road.

    Doesn´t change much for me and she knows she´s safe. From me atleast.

  7. Make eye contact, say hi, maybe hold eye contact for long enough that she can say hi back, then looking ahead and walking again.

  8. Sometimes I pull my phone out, camera pointed at the ground so she can see I’m not taking pictures of her. I was once told by a woman it’s helpful to know he’s paying attention to something other than you.

    Walk on the grass instead of the sidewalk if it’s narrow. But scuff my feet first so she’s aware I’m there.

  9. Say nothing and stare as intensely as you can. Do not break stride. Speed up if possible. If she tries to cross the street, cross as well.

  10. You sound creepy as fuck. Just do your thing and don’t bother strangers. You act like the protagonist of earth.

  11. I saw this hilarious post on 4chan about this guy who went jogging late at night and found women walking alone and ran up to them full speed and then past them completely ignoring them. Made me laugh so hard.

    But I dont give a shit about making the wammon feel safe. Their feelings are not my concern

  12. Draw my rapier, get into cat stance, and yell “En garde!”


    Nah I kid, I just pass her by like I do everything else not involved in my life. Edit: and I *wish* I could roll through town with a fucking *sword.*

  13. I always cross to the other side of the road regardless of the persons gender and just keep walking without acknowledging them. I’m 6’1 and look a bit scary at night, don’t want to freak anyone out.

  14. Nod, make eye contact, say something along the lines of “good evening”, and keep going. I got shit to do.

  15. I keep going. I’ll politely nod and say good evening or something. But we both continue on our ways. No reason to do anything differently.

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