I assumed my feelings were mutual because how often do 2 straight single people of the opposite sex become close friends *fast*? But no, I’m wrong. I’ve only known him 6 weeks and we can talk about anything and everything. We “get” each other. I know it’s not one sided in this regard- he has admitted to me that I really get him and remarked how similar we are between interests, humour, childhood, life experience. Has told me stuff he has only told like 3 other people ever. He does flirt but he clearly sees me as “one of the guys/lads” and has joked about my initiation ceremony etc. I fit in really well with him and his 2 friends. I hang with them like 3 times a week. It’s so rare I click with someone to this extent and I freaking *live* with him. Dude texts me while I’m at work or at my friend’s house to see when I’m coming home so we can watch X film together and always seems a little disappointed when I say I’m going to my parents for a day or 2. Do y’all realise how wholesome this is? It’s in my best interest to say nothing. It’s not like I’ll enjoy his answer if I confess. How do I ignore my feelings? This guy could potentially become one of my best friends, given we’re living together for another 10 months.

TLDR: how do I push away feelings for a close friend?

  1. Do you often fall this quickly for people?? It’s barely been 6 weeks, even if you live together this is much too fast. You barely know anything about him.

    You either confess or put proper distance between the two of you.

  2. See going through the same situation and in my case it didn’t ended well. So I would suggest you to be open to that person about how you feel about him, if the feelings are mutual, then congrats and if not, then would only break your heart in the long run. Its very difficult to turn feelings into friendship and it only hurts when you see that you only have put yourself in that situation.

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