What are signs women should look out for that indicate a man is no longer attracted to them(or never was)?

  1. The vast majority of men are not attracted to the women they have sex with. The good looking guys spend their 20s using all the women throwing themselves at them as cum dumpsters, and the rest of the men just take whatever they can get regardless if they find them attractive or not.

    As a woman you will never know if a man is truly attracted to you.

  2. I think it’s easier to look for signs of attraction. If those aren’t there then he’s not interested

  3. bro, it’s not rocket secience?

    If a man doesn’t want to fuck his girlfriend that means he’s either suffering from erectile dysfunction, or he’s not sexually attracted to the woman he’s with.

    Don’t pay attention to the weirdo who says the vast majority of men are not attracted to the women they have sex with LMAO.

    This kid was shot in the head or something when he was young and got some massive brain damage.

    If I’m not attracted to a woman, my dick doesn’t get hard. That’s all there is to it.

    This kid needs to get back to taking the medication his psychiatric recommended.

  4. I’d say when there is a little distance, like they hardly text anymore, don’t put the effort in, seem disinterested and perhaps disengage from anything sexual. That doesn’t mean there never was any attraction and certainly these qualities aren’t universal; they’re my own really. But conversely, these actions could be the sign of someone who is just tired or depressed so don’t take them to mean the person has definitely lost interest.

  5. If he starts spending less time with you and evidently doesn’t want to be around you.

    When i lost interest in my ex i started enjoying being away from them more than being with them and finding excuses not to be near them until i admitted to myself i should just end it.

  6. Please don’t look for signs, if you think they aren’t attracted to you then ask. My current gf sees signs in everything I do and I everything I say and it’s getting frustrating.

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