I have always been really awkward and socially anxious. And I’m also really introverted so I hardly ever talk to people in real life.

But I wanted to get better so I joined some servers on discord and joined a VC room. All I said was ” hello everyone, how are you all doing” and I got bullied right away. They got to know which country I was from and were extremely rude because of that.

Now I feel even more insecure and feel like giving up

  1. It’s great you tried to talk to people despite your fears. It totally sucks they were rude to you. That’s one of the problems with online versus real life. People in real life can’t hide behind their screens and are less likely to be judgmental and mean like that. Don’t give up. When you feel up to it, keep on trying to connect to others, hopefully in real life but also there are probably nicer communities online waiting for you to discover.

  2. I’ve had people wince and roll eyes, spin around and raise up their hands in a shrug when I talk, but in a nice way. I speak quietly and have a high pitch. Kind of like a young child. But I’ve also had people mock me, talk down to me, and ask me to repeat myself over and over. I’ve even had people tell me to take a deep breath and say things again. They usually don’t do that twice though. I usually watch someone who knows me stop them and correct them, that’s really nice. It’s possible you misinterpreted them, and they were really excited to talk to you. 🤗

  3. You need to talk more. You can find places to talk here on Reddit. It’s actually really enjoyable.

  4. What happened to you is you were mocked. Well… it’s the internet. Jerks love to mock newcomers and outsiders on the internet. Find a discord group of people with your accent or that is very diverse. You’ll find something good eventually 👍

    Fwiw Bullying is usually considered something that’s ongoing (happens many times, not just once) and involves an imbalance of power (adults bullying children, groups of children ganging up on a kid) and usually involves violence, threats of violence, or other threats of harm. This thing that happened to you on discord was a one-time thing against you.

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