22m here and a few weeks ago, I matched with this insanely cute gal who is new to town on Tinder. I asked her what her ideal date was and she said something involving animals. I ended up saying I’d be more than happy to take her to the zoo sometime. She told me a date she’s free and we plan on going this weekend now. She’s more of a country girl and I’m what they call a city slicker lol. If any of you experts have any advice on how I can make it an amazing time for her, please enlighten me! My first and only date was when I was 18 so I’d still consider myself a beginner haha

  1. Be yourself! It’s the best way to see if y’all are compatible. Just be a gentleman, you’ve got this!

  2. Be interested in her – ask questions. Just go out to have a good time, not to have a good date if that makes sense

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