Obviously there is a great deal of excitement and curiosity, but in terms of doubts, as a guy I would say most guys are primarily worried about how long they will last, particularly when with a partner for the first time. What do girls have most apprehension about?

  1. Depends, but primarily my safety. Some folks pull a jekyll and Hyde.

    After that, probably communication. Some folks are eerily silent.

  2. I worry about him finishing quickly, having a long refractory period and having a really stiff and monotonous stroke game. Although I have no trouble guiding him and telling him what I like if the last comes up. Not much to be done in the moment about the first two

    I used to be really concerned about how my body looked, but I quickly got over that once I became more sexually active

  3. I’m more worried that he won’t enjoy himself because I’m doing a bad job. Insecurities 😅

  4. Mostly worried about getting naked in front of a new person. It takes a bit for me to be comfortable doing that.

    If it’s a man I’m sleeping with, I guess safety and selfishness will also be on my radar.

    If it’s a woman, I’d be worried about my stamina with my fingers (I have issues with my hands).

  5. I worry most about how I’ll feel after. This is largely dependent on whether or not there’s any aftercare.

  6. I’m worried if I’ll feel a connection during sex, sometimes I don’t then I end up not feeling good about the whole encounter but when I do it’s really nice and I’m satisfied even if I don’t cum

  7. How long they will last, but not in the way others think. For me, I don’t enjoy when they last a long time. A quick session is way more preferable to me

  8. Does he actually know the importance of foreplay and how to pleasure a women? Is he going to ask “did you cum yet?” Is he even going to be worth my time?

  9. I get reoccurring infections (PH levels) so it always scares me incase they can smell it or make me feel bad about myself. Even though I try everything humanly possibly to prevent it. Sex is one of my main triggers.

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