Me (23M) and my gf(21F) have been dating for about 3 months. Truthfully the honeymoon phase has ended for me and my eyes have been opened and there are many red flags about her that make me want to leave. One of the red flags I noticed was that she is driven strongly by revenge, and if somebody does her wrong, she will make sure to “ruin their life”. She tried very hard to get a woman fired from her job because she gave her bad customer service.

Some times when we talk about previous relationships she says she broke up with all of them, and then goes on to say if I broke up with her, I wouldn’t be able to because I’m trapped with her now. Obviously now that I’m in a situation where I want to leave i’m not sure what to say or what to do. I’m kind of scared that if she isn’t going to be the one breaking up with me that shes going to attempt to make my life hell, so I need advice on how to properly handle the situation.

  1. You get her to say it in front of someone, or in a text. You need witnesses. Tell someone what’s going on. Try to get her on video saying it.

  2. If you are in a one party consent state, you can record her saying it. Play it back to her and let her know you will distribute it to the masses if she tries any shit.

    Or just start planting the seeds now. Take your words in this exact post and start asking real people in your circle for advice. Go to your friend group and say something like…. “Hey guys… it’s probably just a joke but GF says she would ruin my life if I broke up with her… What do you think about that? Joke? Not a joke? Honestly I need an outside opinion.”

  3. I hate people like her who try to use threats to control those around them.

    Call her bluff, let her try to ruin your life. She doesn’t own you and do way in hell are you trapped with her.

    Before you dump her, let people in your life know this girl might say something awful about you in do some crazy things because you plan to break up with her and she has threatened you and others many times.

  4. Break up how you normally would, block her on everything. If she causes actual issues get a restraining order.

  5. You break up, you block and you tell your friends and family exactly why you’ve broken up with her.

    You are the one giving her the power to do this by being scared.

    Be proactive and the threat will go away because everyone will know what she’s like before she starts spewing her poison. People like her thrive on fear and manipulation. Stop her before she can start.

  6. Girls get away with rape threats very easy with very little evidence. Even if she loses a case, those rumors always follow you. Thats a girls most common form of ruining a mans life, so I assume thats what she is threatening you. Something along sexual assault rumors or rape. She may do some dumb stuff like tweet your nudes, but it could be serious too. Get her to say this in a text. Then screen record the text so she can’t say you photoshopped a photo. But that’s still weak evidence. Confront her about it with a hidden camera in your room, or with your phone recording in your pocket, then upload the leaks of her saying this stuff, about a day before you leave her. Now everyone knows that she is planning to probably spread some fake rumors. Even notify the police. That will leave her powerless.

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