I used to be the one who believes in true love, and was a hopeless romantic. But after having my share of partners, I’m starting to think that I won’t ever find the one for me. I’m 22(F), my longest relationship only lasted 8 months. I had my fair share of online dating. And I’ve had trauma from my past relationships too (i’ve been stalked by an ex).

And now, I just feel like a relationship isn’t worth the hassle anymore. I feel like it’s okay being single forever. But I still want to have someone who loves me unconditionally.

I’m comfortable the way I am now, unlike before (I keep wanting to be in love). I wonder if I’ll ever make anymore time and energy to put in my romantic life.

Does anyone else feels this way? Will it go away?

  1. 22 is very young and you still have heaps of time to find a great partner. I’m also 22F and I’ve found the most incredibly man this year and I really see a long term future with him. I never imagined I would be dating him (I’m from Australia and I met him while I was travelling New York). We’re temporarily flying around the world to see each other every few months until I officially move to New York next year (I’ve been wanting to move long before I met him).

    Length of time also isn’t necessarily an indication of a great relationship. My first relationship prior to this one was for almost 4 years and it was extremely toxic in many ways.

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