for example i get in class and she starts saying look at X with those braids! or jokingly repeats my name multiple times when i make a mistake,i think she thinks it’s funny but i feel like she doesn’t take me seriously sometimes and jokes too much,it also affects my self esteem

1 comment
  1. What I do when this happens is that I just don’t laugh or say anything, that uncomfortable silence makes the person feel like they just said something wrong or dumb, if you do it several time she will realize.

    Also you could tell her in a playful way too or even send her a personalized meme about it.

    If you have a friend in common, when you’re all together you could (again in a chill way) address the issue, if that friend starts agreeing with you, she will feel like she’s doing something wrong and might even feel like she’s the one that you and that friend joke about, and she’ll stop ☺️

    Hopefully one of this works, good luck <3
    If it becomes too much you have to tell her seriously, if she gets mad then she wasn’t a good friend either way, but try the ones I listed above first ☺️

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