______ = clothes, watch, car, etc?

More out of curiosity. One time I saw this young man get into a very expensive car. I went up to the car and knocked on the window. He looked at me strange and concerned. I asked him what he did for a living. He owned some type of business payment company. I haven’t done it since.

  1. No. Because I don’t care. I’ll let you in on a secret. If you ever want to learn something check out http://www.google.com it can point you in the right direction. Youtube is a great resource as well.

  2. Not really.

    If something impresses me and the situation is right, I compliment it. No reason not do give good vibes to someone who earned it.

    As for what he does or did, that’s none of my business.

  3. I’m a car guy and I’ve commented to and talked with guys I don’t know about their cars before, but I don’t think I’ve ever asked a guy I don’t know where he got something. I may have done this with guys at work, but I’m not sure if I have or not

  4. Nope. I think the closest ‘guy equivalent’ is when you see someone wearing sports paraphernalia for your favorite team, and suddenly you’re friends. (Not quite the same, but the same energy)

  5. Yes. I was a deliveryman and frequently worked in several wealthy neighborhoods. After delivering to a guy with a really nice house several times, I just asked him politely.

    I don’t remember the exact words, but it was something like: “Your house is really amazing, but way out of my range. How do I get from driving a truck to where you are?” He was surprisingly happy to explain his career, including the small chain of stores he’d opened. He stressed that to get to real wealth, you need to be signing the front side of paychecks*, not the back. I thanked him for taking so much time to explain it, and he said I was the first person who’d ever asked.

    * Reference to the past, when you got actual paper paychecks each Friday. Business owner signed them all, and the employee had to sign the back when presenting them to the bank.


    edit: shortened a sentence for clarity

  6. Yep, just the other night i said “sick Bolt Thrower shirt!” and the guy told me his brother got it for him when he saw them last time in Austin (years ago). I also asked a guy if I could take a pic of his Zao shirt I saw at a festival after he refused to let me buy it off his back. I’ve never done that before, but I’d never seen that shirt and I wanted it. I’ve had countless people ask me where I got a shirt or patch. I’ve seen guys become BFFs for the night because they’re wearing the same obscure shirt. Metal shows are a whole different level of wholesome tho.

  7. “Hey man I love your car what do you do for a living?” – every annoying tiktok

  8. Not about their stuff, but I always wanted to ask men if they truly find their partners attractive. Obviously I would never ask this in real life but it’s a thought that always comes to my mind.

  9. Have done it multiple times, always complimenting the guy and asking about where he got the item (if it’s not a car), whether he’s happy, etc.

    Asking a random stranger what they do for a living based on an item they have is a no-no in my book.

  10. I’ve never done it

    Only ever had it happen to me at parties in locations where image is everything and everyone wants to get ahead through people and not hard work

    Note** I am not succesful in any way shape or form

  11. Pretty much every time I see a young person in an expensive vehicle I want to know the answer. The younger the person and more expensive the car, the stronger the urge. But I would never ever ask. In my heart I want to know if they earned it or just “priviledged” their way in and neither will make me feel good. If they had rich parents or inheritance, got a high paying job because someone payed their way through higher education, or they were gifted it…I’ll just feel bitter jealousy. If they actually worked their ass off and paid their way or have some amazing talent that made them rich (like a pro-athlete) then I’ll just feel like a POS for not working harder or being better lol. Not much to gain either way. So I’ll just marvel at the expensive pretty thing and go back to appreciating the things I have.

  12. No – that’s weird. I might look at whatever the other guy owns and think it’s neat, but I’ll never ask him where he got it.

  13. I like dress hats such as Fedoras, Bowlers etc & have complemented a person’s hat & asked where they got it.

  14. Yes.I was travelling by plane.And a guy sitting beside me was wearing my dream watch.I asked wow its a really cool watch how does it feel to wear it.He just laughed and handed the watch to me so that I can try it on.I was just flabbergasted. We kept talking about watches the whole ride.His watch costed him like 75k.I asked about his profession.He’s a software dev with his own startup.And does real estate investment on the side.I kept his ig and still contact him sometimes. Talking about watches and programming. I am gonna ask to get me an interview in his startup next year for an internship. Wish me luck.😂

  15. If another man has walked by, and the scent of his cologne has intrigued me I’d offer a quick friendly compliment followed by what cologne is that? Other than that not really.

  16. For sure. I’ll often compliment a guy on something of his that I like. It’s not weird at all. And most guys are receptive and will talk about it. It’s not a gay thing, it’s an appreciation thing.

    “Hey bro I’m really digging that watch, can I check it out”. Usually I get a “for sure. Here. Check it out”.

    It’s not about trying to meet a person or strike up conversation. It really is about the interest of whatever it is we are talking about. I want to talk about his watch, not get his number. And that’s understood.

  17. When I was younger I did this a few times. Most people are happy to give their lifes story to someone younger.

  18. That’s creepy. Don’t do it. Or atleast don’t knock on people’s car. That’s triggering AF

  19. Only in the context of identifying an item that suggests they are a military veteran. Other than that, never.

    What you did sounds like it required a lack of social awareness.

  20. Only once sadly, sadly because thinking about it now it really upped the guy’s mood and confidence, was sitting in a bus and smelled a familiar smell. My dad’s perfume who died when I was little, the smell got me nearly emotional so I asked the dude what was that and commented how amazing it smelled, now thinking about it I probably should do that more often

  21. I have. I have never once asked what a person does for a living based on objects, but I have 100% asked “dude, that watch just looks so damn badass! Where’d you pick it up at?” And it opens an avenue for further conversation

  22. All depends on the situation. Normally older successful men sure. But absolute strangers with no real context no

  23. One time I was washing my car and a young kid in a gtr pulls up I asked him what he does and he said ag I translated that to his parents own a farm and they bought him a gtr

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