Women who choose to work part time because of young kids, how do you think about working work more hours when they become more self sufficient?

  1. For me, and since I don’t have to, I don’t work. My husbands job has him out of town which leaves me the primary caregiver, he’s not available to come home or take time
    Off work to care of sick kids and since he’ll make more than me it makes sense for me to be home. Like right now our daughter has had a fever and cough all weekend so she won’t be going to school tomorrow.

  2. Not needed for our situation, our bills are paid and this gives our family the lifestyle we want. I like my remote part time job and it pays pretty good for the time I put in. I can flex my work hours around my sons’s activities and get the house stuff done. (He is homeschooled/ we travel a lot + he plays basketball with a team a few months a year).

    Working full time is a different level of commitment in for kind of work I do and wouldn’t let me be fully remote/we couldn’t travel as much and I would not have the family flex time.

    I’m an older mom- we waited to have kids until we were financially independent so at this stage it’s not about the money.


  3. I am currently a SAHM. When my kids get older and are in school, I plan on working again, but probably only part time so I can still be around for when they’re sick and stuff.

  4. My kids are 21 and 18 and seem to need me more than ever. I’m looking forward to being able to work full time but it’s not likely for another few more years

  5. I did. I was a sahm while doing my master pt. My kids are 6 & 9 and I’ve been working full time for a year. It’s been good, on the whole. My hubs was a sahd when I went ft, took some good career steps in that time too. We’re fortunate to be able to do that, obviously. But the kids were in a much different place by 5. They can do SO much more then.

  6. I guess I’m going to have to see whether the care my kids need *actually* reduces and whether the work or the money adds more to our family’s quality of life than the time and flexibility of having at least one adult in part time work.

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