**TLDR:** Boyfriend hasn’t been responding to texts/has been incognito and it’s making me worried about his safety, maybe unfairly.

I (22F) have been dating my bf (23M) for a couple months and it’s been really great! We were friends before and overall it has been really lovely, he brings me flowers and drives me cool places and watches movies he doesn’t like because ‘he likes to hear me laugh.’ Usually, he’s pretty considerate with time and work, but he doesn’t always really take care of himself, often working so much that he only gets two or less hours of sleep a night.

My bf is a pretty big drinker and also experiments with shrooms + LSD. He recently quit smoking weed because it ‘hurt his memory.’ I’ve taken all these drugs before but I’m not really huge on it, mostly because I’m a relatively small woman and my family has a history of substance abuse on both sides and I’m not really interested in continuing that cycle. I haven’t been super disturbed by his usage though until recently + have partaken in everything with him \*except\* LSD. So I’ve been lowkey encouraging him, even if by accident, which I’ll admit.

Last night, he comes to my dorm around 2AM. We had both been drinking with our respective friends. I don’t know how much he had to drink, but he was relatively lucid when he came over. I was tipsy after about 2 glasses of wine. I was pretty tired at this point, so we have a glass of wine and then we fall asleep. Around 3:30AM, I wake up to go to the bathroom and he’s disappeared, but his phone and belongings are still in my room. I assume he’s gone to the bathroom, go to the ladies’ room, and go back to bed. I fall asleep and wake up again at 4AM, at which point he’s still not back. I end up texting some people, specifically one of our mutual friends to see if he’s with them, but there’s no response as he (the friend) was sleeping in his boyfriend’s room. Around 6AM, he finally comes back, tells me that he woke up in said friend’s dorm (who lives the floor above me) and doesn’t know how he got there. I’m honestly just glad that he’s ok and assume he just woke up in the middle of the night to pee, was tired and got disoriented, then went to said friend’s room by accident. Whatever, cool, I’m glad he’s ok.

Later today, we’re going to a party and he tells me that he doesn’t understand how ‘shaken he was’ by the whole thing, even though he knows that I was texting people. That’s whatever. We go to the party, it’s fun, both of us get day drunk among many others, etc., etc., etc. I end up leaving before him because I’m having a PMDD flare up and was getting a little nauseous. I tell him he can join me later but to have fun with his friends. NBD at this point. An hour later, he facetimes me and asks if he can work in my room. I’m sober and about to head out to do some chores, but I agree as they’re not urgent. He says he’ll be over in twenty minutes.

An hour later, he’s still not over. Two hours later, I go out and do some chores, and tell him to text me to just to confirm that he’s okay. It’s been six hours and I still haven’t gotten a confirmation from him, and I just want to make sure that he’s okay. I got really freaked out last night just because in my mind someone leaving behind their belongings = someone’s in danger, so it’s kind of sending me through a loop. I’m 99% sure he’s just dozing off in his dorm by accident, but it’s more that I get paranoid easily that something’s wrong.

My family has a past history of drug/alcohol abuse so I don’t know if I’m just being paranoid about this. This might sound weird, but I’m very used to taking care of my female friends, and many of us (including myself) have been taken advantage of, so it freaks me out a lot when I know someone is drunk and they’re not responding to my texts. I don’t think that’s happening with my BF, but I just get really anxious over the whole thing. This is something we’ll def talk about in the future but I just can’t tell if I’m being stupid.

  1. yes, the substances that he is partaking in is not good especially if there mixed together. You have every right to be worried about him, it’s also not fair that he keeps putting you in the position to be worried like this. Still, if you want to continue the relationship I suggest that you habitat with him about it and just let him know why it’s bothering you.

    But, your feelings are valid!

  2. > two or less hours of sleep a night

    > pretty big drinker and also experiments with shrooms + LSD

    He needs to stop all of that or he’ll be dead/in a psych ward before he’s 30. You have every right to be worried about him.

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