On which aspect of the life do you think you are far behind all other men? (love, money, social life etc. )

  1. Social life got left in the dust when the kids came. Have one good friend with a family the same age as ours. Monthly dinner and game night.

  2. I’m slowly catching up on the confidence department, and I don’t mean thinking I’m the shit. Just being comfortable with who I am, and stopped trying to appear confident to other posturing men.

    I don’t really care about money so that’s good.

    I do want to be more social, but not just generally. I don’t want to engage in social interaction if it’s not involving interesting conversations. Any investments/rat race discussion is pretty boring to me. I like to talk to artists and creators, so I suppose I feel behind in that sense because I mostly keep to myself.

  3. My social life is my biggest downfall. But, I don’t think I’m super far behind. I think I’m about average with other guys in my situation.

    I’m married with a 2 year old. I’m the sole provider/bread winner. It’s very hard for me to find the time to go out and hang out or make friends.

  4. Love. Im at an age where most guys are married or in a LTR soon heading for marriage. And they either already have kids or are planning for it. There are still a small number of guys in my age group who are not committed and still living the “player life style”(spinning plates). Which I think starts to get pathetic beyond your late 20s. But at least they have someone to kiss and give affection, even if it is a different girl every weekend.

    Monetarily I was doing good until I and a bunch of coworkers walked from the last job due to politics/bad management. Now Im at a new job making much less and struggling to pay rent. As a result Ive had to put down a couple hobbies, which is hopefully temporary. With money(and debt) at the forefront of problems, love is the least of my worries. And besides, you can’t have the latter without the former.

  5. What I really lack is a love life.

    The worst part is that I have nothing to blame but myself. Not even genes, my personality is just a huge yikes.

  6. Luckily I have everything I will ever want in this life, what I am missing is love… funny thing is the only one I have always desired but never got

  7. social and everything connected with it, which means people work money, everything as everything is based on social.

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