I think that a coworker at my job is very pretty. Nothing weird or anything, I just think that she is. I would love to get to know her, since I know a lot, if not most, of my coworkers already. She comes in later on, and the only problem is… she wears headphones. I’m already a bit nervous for trying to put myself out there, but I’m also worried about rejection, which will happen in life of course and so I’m not too afraid of it, but I’m split between trying to talk to her, or not. I probably shouldn’t, but what if she’s just shy? I don’t know.

I’ve learned a bit that most people with headphones are bothered when someone speaks to them, which is interesting to me, since I’m used to talking to those even when I have my headphones in, or I’ll take them out to hear what the person is saying. Besides that, I don’t want to be a bother or an annoyance because of my selfishness to know about someone… but then again, they seem to be a pretty interesting person. Maybe this is a vent, even though I’m asking what should I do, I probably know the answer to that as well…

TLDR: Like a pretty coworker who comes in later, always has headphones on so I’m really split between speaking with her or not, I don’t want to be an annoyance, but I also want to get to know her better, or at least what she does in her department.

1 comment
  1. couple of bits and bobs

    – workplaces are not the best space for “putting yourself out there”, because the stakes are much higher
    – like, if you’re gong to hit on someone at work you’d better be sure that a) your feelings are reciprocated so you don’t make the other person hella uncomfortable and then insist on showing up in their working life every day for years afterwards and b) you can trust both yourself and the other person to keep this away from the workplace if it all goes tits up
    – you don’t have either of these assurances about this girl
    – in most of the places I’ve worked, headphones at work signal “please don’t interrupt me unless it’s an important work issue” rather than “don’t talk to me at all” – that’s why people will still talk to you when you have headphones on

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