Hi everyone, I posted on here about two days ago when I realized I was being ghosted by my own boyfriend (who had been asking me to move in with him just a day prior to the ghosting). I never got a response from him, and saw him on dating apps last night when I joined to distract myself, and today I find out I’m pregnant with his baby.

He clearly never meant any of the “I’m falling for you”/“I can see a life with us together” bullshit if he could flip a 180 like that so fast. He already has kids, and I know is open to more because he’s said so. I’m not in the position to have a child right now (I take continuous birth control; I understand accidents happen) and plan to take care of this on my own, but I was wondering if there’s any point in telling him? Or not since he never even replied to me calling him out? Thanks guys.

  1. First, this is a really difficult situation. There are lots of online resources for your to read. Also, a lot of other girls have been in your situation. So know that you are not alone.

    I think it depends on what you want to do, and also where you live (e.g. what is available to you). If you decide not to have the baby, then I don’t see any point in communicating with him. I suggest just cutting him off and moving on. If you do decide to have the baby, then it would probably be good to talk to him so that he can provide child support.

    I’m sure you will have a lot of great support from reddit, and in the end, it is completely your decision on what you want to do. Good luck!

  2. I wouldn’t talk to him again unless you’ve decided that you want to carry to term and are asking if he wants to be in his kid’s life/letting him know that he is going to be on the hook for child support.

    If you are going to terminate the pregnancy, I wouldn’t say anything. There are a lot of men who will turn around and try to convince you to keep it, and convince you that they would be a great father. If you live in a more conservative area or have to travel to access abortion, he might try to cause legal headaches for you. He may also try to get other people to harass you.

  3. You should tell him. Give him a chance not to be a POS dead beat dad. It’s his child too after all.

  4. It’s not an easy position or decision, but maybe it’s really worth thinking about and talking with some friends about what you want to do in terms of keeping the baby. It sounds like you don’t want to, but I wouldn’t make a hasty decision like that unless you’ve spoken to a few more people about it. At the end of the day, it’s your decision. As for your boyfriend, I would let him know if possible and see where it goes. You shouldn’t be on your own

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