Hey everyone looking for your opinions here so i’ll take it from the beginning.

My now ex is my boss at work where we work from home and long distance so we practically only met on meetings,

Around 10 months ago i went to a closeup meeting met her and everyone on the team, i initially had thought of talking to her but chose not to knowing she has 2 kids and is married.

Turns out her marriage was a bad one and she’s attracted to me so fast forward to 4 months ago we start a long distance relationship and she visits my town for a couple of days, things went well between us on both physical and get to know each other kind of ways until it was time to have sex, where my let’s say medical condition prevented me from actually enjoying it.

All in all we agreed on a second meetup where i would get to stay at her place for a week during our vacation time. That went even worse the same problem was still there it made me feel insecure we both started feeling bad and eventually we broke it off amicably by admitting we’re both in love but it just isn’t gonna work.

Month later we give it another try i meet her i’m over the moon we have a great time together, by that time i should say i had gotten a circumcision done and couldn’t have sex but the rest was fantastic,

So once again we admit being in love with each other but when i get back home i get into a depressive episode which is starting to be noticeable by her, thinking that she’s the cause of it she decides to end it only to reach out to me 2 days later because she missed me so it’s all back together again, i went to see her and this time we did have sex without worries, opened up to eachother came closer and everything seemed okay until two weeks later..

Come present days around 5 days ago she again tells me it’s better to end it because this long distance relationship is too hard for her plus my mental health state not being good and her being under too much stress from her work/taking care of kids/financial troubles she tells me that although her feelings haven’t changed she doesn’t really have the energy to keep it up.

Now the reason why i think it’s not over is exactly that she said her feelings haven’t changed, she still thinks about me misses me but feels that it’s not worth it if we’re only meeting up once a month.

Thing is i’ve recently had an offer/opportunity to move and work right in her city, i feel like it would help with a lot of the issues we have main one being long distance not being that anymore but i don’t know how to go about telling her since she’s trying to have minimal contact in a way that we can both move on.

Now before people tell me why chase so hard after a woman who’s divorced with 2 kids and 12 years older than me, it’s because before we got together, before i felt attracted to her in that way, i had huge respect for her, i really liked her style and character and well let’s just say she doesn’t do bad at the looks department either.

I’d like to make it work somehow, what do you guys think?

  1. Started with long distance, mental health challenges, work together, problems in the bedroom, age gap, shes your boss, kids in the picture, and you want to move to her city AFTER a break up, each one of these issues can make a relationship difficult, youve got 8 of them. Oof! Talk about cards stacked against you.

    My suggestion, move ONLY if you’d move regardless of a relationship with her. And do not try anything with her. Moving closer after the woman breaks up with you and trying to get back together is stalker territory so just don’t go there. But if after you move closer she reaches out to you then maybe talk about dating again, but seriously, be careful and slow, there’s so many things here that can still blow up in your face.

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