Men, what are some things y’all care about that women may NOT be aware of?

  1. Reliability. Decision making. Seeing things through. There are few things more insufferable than a woman FLAKING on a continuous basis just because she didn’t feel like doing it.

  2. A clean ass. I’ve smelled unwashed asses way too often when walking by another guy

  3. Being kind.
    If you’re edgy and mean all the time, we will just move on.

    The Beth Dutton type only works on tv.

  4. I think they’re aware and just trying to ignore or downplay its importance: how often you reject sex matters, a lot more than you think. I can’t feel desired if you’re saying no most of the time.

  5. If she’s someone I don’t like around her family or friends then I’m turned off

  6. A lot of women believe their behavior is not important, only their body matters. For some guys this is true, and that is the type of guy they will wind up with, until he gets bored and the next one gets his turn.

  7. Integrity. Not too many people look for integrity specifically, but most people notice when it’s not there. A lack of integrity creates a hard cap on trust.

    Integrity and trust extends beyond simply being faithful to a relationship. It’s also in the day-to-day dealings with that person. Whether they discuss things in good faith, whether they’re willing to admit when they’re wrong, acknowledge and own their responsibility in miscommunication without demanding the other to do just as much if not more first, adherence to the others’ wishes or guidance even if they’re unaware, and maintaining a sense of partnership and camaraderie.

    A lot of young guys are just happy to be having sex, until they aren’t, and get confused as to why that might be. Often, a stunning lack of integrity from one or both parties contributes to a deep bond with deep issues.

    More experienced guys get it even if they can’t explain it. And if they spot a woman who seems allergic to integrity and the consistency and accountability it demands, he won’t fully trust her no matter how long she sticks around and he’ll think she’s only good for now.

  8. Be chill
    I hate to not be able to disagree on anything without getting the other person pissed off
    I wanna discuss it with you, you need to convince me I’m wrong

  9. Being consistent, not running away at the first sign of a problem and being able to communicate instead of acting passive aggressive until someone asks you what’s wrong. Despite all of this “women are more socially -” blah blah blah stuff, they suck at communicating. Especially when their emotions are involved.

  10. Her personality in general. Yes, we love the way you look…smell, feel…et cetera. And I am talking from a cis/hetero perspective. We love the way you look, walk, dance….all that.

    But, if you’re a bitch, there’s other women. Half of all women have above average looks. Work on yourself. Do the inner work. Heal your traumas and be the best version of you. Be accountable. Be affectionate. Develop integrity. How much fun are you to live with? Is there a man shaped hole in your life for a guy to fit into? Women need to be wanted, men want to be needed. A needy man isn’t sexy for most of you ladies. Well, if you don’t need a man, that’s the same energy, reversed. Men don’t stay where we aren’t needed.

    Just some random thoughts.

  11. Being reliable, keeping your word, meaning what you say and saying what you mean.

    Be open to ambiguity in situations outside your control, but be assertive and confident where you’re involved.

  12. Reliability, consistency is huge. So is your ability to be a pleasant part of our day. I even have a soft spot for women who say what they want.

    Seriously, ladies, if you can said the sweet spot between saying what you want and also being a genuinely pleasant person to interact with, you will be such a prize that men won’t know what to do with that information.

  13. Don’t talk about me to your friends, Jesus! I’m not like howdy there fellas, wanna see my girlfriends tits and maybe see her when she’s suicidal or another one of her weakest points?

  14. Food. We want to eat. We don’t care where or what really. Just answer the damn question and quit playing games.

  15. Spontaneous sex is great..but spontaneous affection is the very best! Hug us for no reason. Squeeze our hand.

  16. If you offer to watch my favorite movies with me, take an interest in learning my favorite games, or show interest in my hobbies, I am yours. This is surprisingly rare in my experience.

  17. Communicate what you mean instead of talking in riddles and don’t gossip about me to your friends, if I confide in someone, I don’t need everyone else knowing about it.

  18. When we bring up our issues and you immediately start talking about how it relates to yourself instead of just listening. It’s hard enough for dudes to talk about their stuff without constantly worrying about immediately having to comfort or reassure someone else. Like I said I’ve been feeling depressed I didn’t say you made me miserable so for one fucking second can this shit not be about you!

  19. I think you act weird around that one friend I have. Let’s call him Kevin. He’s my homie okay. We either went to college together or we met him at work or our parents were friends. Anyways Kevin is kinda weird, he kinda smells bad, he makes weird jokes, he’s super awkward. But I love Kevin. Don’t make me choose between him or you.


  21. good manners , being kind , being sweet , being trust worthy , loyalty , respect .

  22. gossip.

    I feel confident speaking for most men when I say we mostly don’t care about the rumor mill. we *do* notice how you engage with it, though. what you’re willing to believe about other people, or even just throw around as idle chatter. man, it can be fucking disturbing.

  23. For the love of all things good, figure out what you want to eat before saying you’re hungry.

  24. Decisiveness, while we find some sort of indecisiveness cute and take it as an opportunity, this scaled for everything just bugs us out.

  25. I love when a female friend or gf wears my hoodie and when you get it back you can smell her perfume a day or two later.

  26. Being good with money is a huge turn on to a long term relationship. This goes for guys and gals, but if you can’t manage money effectively, it’s near impossible to build a life with you.

  27. Despite being a prickly asshole and being super resilient, I do have feelings and affirmation and support does go a long way, even if I don’t act like I need it.

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