I went on a date last night with this girl from tinder. We were texting for about a week I would say. The texting started getting flirty and semi sexual the last few days and she seemed like she wanted to hook up. We went to a brewery and it seemed to be going okay but she kept getting calls from her family and taking it. She couldn’t seem to keep eye contact and seemed kind of socially awkward. She took another call and disappeared, I stayed for about 25 minutes and made some friends with the couple sitting nearby. Then I texted her asking if she left, no answer then I took off. She blocked me on tinder, and my cell number. Very weird, I don’t think I was being pushy for sex I was really trying to have a conversation but oh well. Guess she lacks social skills or decency to be honest.

  1. She wasn’t ready to date. The enormity of the situation hit her and she panicked. Ditched you and blocked you on everything to avoid the fallout. You don’t want that kind of weak person in your life. Bullet dodged.

  2. These things happen, as much as they suck. Brush yourself off and move on down the road.

  3. You dodged what would’ve been a messy relationship. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. She failed to communicate with you and that’s very important for relationships to succeed. Then, to top it off, she blocked your Tinder and cellphone for seemingly no apparent, good reason. She made the choice easy for you by doing the very thing her character couldn’t help not do.

  4. She diner dashed you bro. Basically she wanted a free meal and drinks and took off. You should have alerted the staff what happened. Don’t be surprised if she has done it before. The phone calls from family seems to well planned for an escape route after she got what she wanted.

  5. “It seemed to be going ok but she kept getting calls ‘from her family’ and taking it. She couldn’t seem to keep eye contact”

    That’s the definition of a bad date my dude.

  6. Stop sugarcoating it for him.

    She wasn’t attracted to you in person I have done the same when my date turned out to be 25 lbs fatter.

  7. Yeah she wasnt down once she was in the moment. Could have been anything. Dust yourself off and find the next one.

  8. Alright.. so a few have pointed this back at the OP… she was so an inconsiderate person. If she wasn’t feeling the date just say so and wrap it up. Don’t act like a child, take calls, and leave a guy sitting there.

  9. I recently had a date wall away from me but for an actual reason. I was really flabbergasted. But as time goes on, Im really glad he did. Just be completely yourself online and then accept the fact that she just wasnt that into you.

  10. I’m guessing her calls from “family” were from friends who she told about the date. Her friends were likely on standby in case she wasn’t into her Tinder date. Fair enough if you were a creep but it was super rude with the way she handled it. She could’ve just had a nice evening with you and said that there was no spark or chemistry at the end. If she really wasn’t feeling it, she could’ve given some lame excuse to leave.

    Either way, you dodged the bullet early. One of the downsides to online dating unfortunately

  11. My mate did this once cos the guy was totally different from his photo and she didn’t feel comfortable telling him

  12. I did this once. In north jersey the process is a little different. Took girl to very nice restaurant. First date and despite what you might think.. appropriate. Things going well. Typical jersey girl. Talking, then this girl breaks out with. Yeah, I just go on dates for free dinner. And yes, she meant that. So I got up and was like gonna run to the bathroom. I got in my car and was like I don’t need this bull. I’ve been burned a few times by girls that literally just do it for a free meal/ drink.

    There was a call… Then another, I answered on the third one and there was much screaming and cursing. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    If you’re in it for the meal just at least pretend a little.
    Happens more than you think. Though I do side with and am empathetic to the OP on this situation. That’s complete garbage.

  13. ugh yeah that really sucks. coming from a girl, it seems like her “family” calling was probably her friends trying to make it seem like it was urgent so she can escape the date. not the right way to do it though. if she wasn’t feeling you she should have still stayed on the date to at least enjoy each others company as friends.
    funny thing is i was asked out on a bumble date yesterday, and he begged me to come out, but he never showed up lol

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