So tonight my boyfriend(28) and i(F23) went out and he dropped me off at around 12am at my house. I didn’t want to go home but i could tell he was tired soo told him that if he was we could leave and he accepted.. soo when he took me home i pretended i like i was asleep and drove around the corner of my house and did substances by myself. i turned off my location so he wouldn’t worry about me not being home but after 40 minutes he was spam calling me as he noticed. he ended up pulling up to my house bc i wasnt answering (i was drunk).. i called him back because i noticed him at my pad thru location and met w him. he basically thought in that hour my location was off that i was w/ a guy. it’s up to me at this point to either try to get him back or let this go.

edit: we have been together 5 years, and his reaction is justified as i did have a fling with a guy about two years ago when we were dating. so insecurity is totally understandable.

i do think he could do better than me and i love him but i don’t think i can make him happy but he doesn’t want to let go. i’ve tried ending things but he doesn’t want to ever and i’ve tried everything. this time tho i think if i wanted to i could.. but should i? im never gonna have a man like him again.

  1. “i do think he could do better than me”

    Be who he deserves to be with or u should free him from your toxic ways.


    Just my opinion

  2. You lied to him to use in secret. Right now, you need to work on addressing your substance abuse.

  3. You broke the trust when you cheated 2 years ago and it has clearly not been repaired since then. There is no trust and thus there is no healthy relationship. You can end the relationship, regardless of him wanting it or not, it doesn’t matter, that’s not how breakups work. Breakups don’t need both parties to agree in order for it to be a breakup, it just needs to be one person. Break up, be firm, tell him it’s over and if he tries to contact you you’ll call the police and then block him on everything.

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