I have the conundrum of feeling very cut off from those around me. I’m keenly aware that folks are interacting with eachother much more frequently and positively than I am with any of them. I feel pretty lame. I can “just interact more”, but it feels like something nobody wanted. I don’t even really have anything to say, I’m just kind of forcing the interaction. I can’t increase people’s interest in me, forcing myself on them probably just creates more of a stigma. I feel very awkward when I do that. And very lonely when I don’t.

1 comment
  1. Make new friends. Join or start a club related to a hobby or interest of yours. The more hobbies the better because that way your circle will be wider. They are unlikely to find you awkward

    You could also find a social person and shadow them to observe their interactions with others so that you might find some habits they have that you can copy like for example, their usual conversation topics and what they do when a conversation or situation gets awkward

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