In February of this year I met a man who I had insane chemistry with. We made out the night we met knowing it was wrong because he had a 10 year girlfriend, but I thought it was a one time thing. He kept pursuing me after that night and I tried to stay away, but then he admitted he was in an open relationship with his gf. I thought it was sus he hadn’t brought it up when we met so I told him that he needed to show me proof of it, which he did. I really was fighting against my want to sleep with him but when he showed me the screenshots from his gf saying she knew about me, I thought “what’s the worse that can happen?”

Well… in a shocking turn of events, I fell in love with him. So hard and so fast. I didn’t act on my feelings and tried to keep our hook ups just physical, but it was clear that he also had feelings for me. This fucked me up because we saw each other for two months and every time he would leave me to go back to his gf. After two months in May I had enough so I “broke up” with him.

A week after I broke up with him he told me he broke up his ten year relationship. I was shocked, I didn’t think he would actually do it. He said it wasn’t entirely over me, that the relationship had been stale for a while and that they mutually stayed with each other more because of how long and well they knew each other. I tried to remain calm and not just jump into a new relationship with him, he had to mourn those ten years. So it was perfect that two weeks after he told me about it, I was going to my home country to visit for a month. I thought the space would be good for us before deciding if we wanted to start dating.

During those two weeks, while I was away and when I came back: this man treated me like a princess. He said he just felt guilty for hurting me while he was still with his ex so he wanted to make up for the lost time. I was so in love with him, I thought I found the most wonderful guy and what we had was beautiful. We spend most of our nights together. My flatmates love him, all my friends love him, my family knows about him.

For our relationship I made it clear that I had no desire to see anyone else. He told me he felt the same way. I would ask him if he still talked with his ex sometimes, I wouldn’t have thought anything weird of it because ten years is a long time to then never speak to someone again. He said they didn’t.

A Sunday in October we found out i was pregnant. I took this really hard because I’m 22, a recent uni graduate who is still a bartender and trying to figure out what I want career wise. A baby is not what I need right now. My bf (28) said we would deal with it however I wanted, I told him I wanted to terminate the pregnancy and he supported me.

I haven’t had the abortion yet because it’s early in the pregnancy so I booked the appointment a week in advanced. I’ve been so down and emotional this week and he was so great just being there for me and trying to comfort me.


On Saturday we were doing a Uber Eats and movie night. He fell asleep and after some time I grabbed his phone. I don’t actually know what I was looking for, I’d never done that before, but I certainly found it… He had been sexting his ex gf for months. At least three months. And had even done it that week that I was struggling with being pregnant. I was shocked. The messages were so sexual. We had such a good sex life it never crossed my mind he would need to find other ways to “release”.

I confronted him. He was shocked. He felt guilty because I caught him. He promised me it was just the texting, that they hadn’t actually done anything in person. I felt so angry and betrayed I broke up with him on the spot and kicked him out of my house. I told him not to worry about the abortion, that I would deal with it alone.

I’m devastated. I feel so betrayed and lied to. We had a great sex life and now I feel like an inadequate idiot. He’s pleeding his case saying he made a huge mistake, that it was a “dreamlike” bad habit that they had. He says he would never do it again because he’s happier with me than he’s been in years. I find that hard to believe if he was doing this on the side.

It hurts more because it feels so out of the blue. If I hadn’t seen those messages I would’ve kept on thinking that I was in the best relationship of my life. He treated me SO well but was doing this too. I can’t believe it. I want to remain broken up and yet, I can’t believe it’s over.

Do I make it stay over or do I listen to what he has to say?

  1. I am so very sorry you’re going through this. Pregnant on top of everything else, I am soooo sorry.

    I’m also very sorry to hear about what happened with your EX boyfriend. I have all the confidence your future bf will not be a cheater.

  2. I’m so sorry yo hear this. As someone who’s actually in an open relationship, his behaviour was very sus from the beginning. He cheated to be with you and now he’s cheating again.

    Stay broken up. To people like this it doesn’t matter how good the relationship is, the actual taboo and thrill of the cheating is what they’re after. It’s like a kink.

    It sucks big time that you have to go through all of this on top of the pregnancy, I hope you have some trusted friends to support you. Whatever you do, do not take a cheater back, they will cheat again.

  3. What a shit situation to be in. On the bright side, whatever instinct that led you to check his phone without any prior suspicions, has your back HARD, girl. Seriously.

    Goes without saying that you should not be getting back together with someone who’s been cheating for the entire duration of your very short relationship, no matter how good the chemistry is.

    Somewhere out there is a guy that will make you feel just like this, only he won’t be sexting his ex and blaming it on a “dreamlike state” (tf?)

    Bro be acting like he’s tapping into the fifth dimension to sext, fuck outta here with that.

  4. Considering how your relationship started, are you really surprised? Fidelity is not in his DNA.

  5. Walk away. Sorry for loss. Better to start fresh. The whole rship was a mistake if we were being honest.

  6. Well, you played with a cheater and now you’re surprised he’s cheating. He told you who he was. Why didn’t you listen?

  7. When you were a little girl and you fantasized about your wedding, walking down the aisle decorated with beautiful flowers, in your gorgeous, expensive – your dad got you the one you wanted even though it wasn’t in the budget, white wedding gown, seeing everyone standing, looking back at you as they all whisper to each other about how amazing you look, seeing your parents and your bridesmaids smiling brightly, supremely happy for you as you make your way to the altar to take vows promising to spend the rest of your life with your prince, had he been sexting his ex girlfriend for the last three months? Your relationship will end the exact same way it started; by cheating!

  8. Once a cheater always a cheater. Are you really surprised? He cheated with you so obviously he’s gonna cheat on you.

  9. Okay, hold on. You made out with him while he was with someone else, and you’re dismayed and confused he’s sexting with her? What is it in this scenario that you’re missing? If he stepped out on her, and you were fine, why would he not expect you to be fine with this? He obviously has residual emotional baggage and ties to her. It’s what happens when there’s no time between relationships to actually separate emotionally, mentally, and physically. So he’s carried that confusion into this relationship. It’s a no brainer. In psychology, they say it takes half the Length of the relationship to actually get over someone. And that’s providing there’s no contact. It’s why one should never text their ex in a moment of weakness. You get sucked in due to the emotional ties. Both of you need some serious work.

  10. Girl; he’s a cheater. Period. You’re so young, you don’t need a man like this in your life. Walk away. You deserve better.

  11. He is rubbish and doesn’t know if he wants you or if he wants her. I would get an abortion and dump him. You are very young you can get someone that only love you and doesn’t love two women at same time. He is a d***

  12. How you get them is how you lose them. He will NEVER be faithful to you. You have described 2 of his relationships and in both of them he was unfaithful. Get out before your the gf of 10 years that let’s him stray to keep him just for him to move on when he has the excitement of a new relationship.

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