So I slid into this girl’s dm about a week ago. She seems like an interesting and funny girl, and she isn’t dry texter which is awesome! We’re texting every day and I think she is interested in me. Also, we had some deep conversations and I can say we have a lot of things in common.

Today I asked her for a coffe on Thursday but she didn’t give me a straight answer. I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable so I changed the topic (yeah I know I’m dumb).

Should I ask her again or just let it go? I mean, if she’s truly interested she would say yes. But on the other hand, she sends me good morning texts every day which means she isn’t uninterested.

What am I supposed to do?

  1. Unclear signals are a no. If she didn’t give you a “straight answer”, that’s a rejection. Time to move on with your life.

  2. Call her and ask her, you can listen to the tone of her voice and get more information on how she’s feeling

  3. Anything other than a “hell yea” or an “absolutely” is a no. Do not ask again. No woman is that stupid. Keep it moving and find the one excited to see you.

  4. Keep pushing until She says ‘No’ don’t listen to the comments here, everyone here is a quitter.
    If She didn’t straight up reject you gotta keep trying, She might change Her mind, believe me, if She really didn’t want anything to do with you She would’ve ghosted you or just say ‘Not interested’

  5. I would ask her out again

    “When would be a good night for you to go get a drink? If you dont want to thats okay.”

    (Make sure its in the evening since day meetings are quick friendzone makers)

    With this message you cut thru the crap to get a straight answer; and if she doesnt give an answer then you move on, since she is playing games with you which is one of the worst traits a person can have when dating.

    If she doesnt want to then just say

    “I think we are looking for different things so I dont think this is going to work out, but I wish you the best of luck and find someone.”

    (Or something along those lines)

  6. >Should I ask her again or just let it go? I mean, if she’s truly
    interested she would say yes. But on the other hand, she sends me good
    morning texts every day which means she isn’t uninterested.

    News flash. There are four BILLION women on this planet. Why are you wasting your time with someone who cannot make up her mind?

  7. I’d say if you’re going to try again, be much more straightforward or just refer to it again. It sounds like she made a joke the first time and might not have known that you wanted a yes or no right then and there. When I asked out my boyfriend (to ice cream), all he sent at first was 👀. I had no idea what that meant, so I gently asked if that was a yes or a no and got a clearer answer (obviously yes).

  8. Ask her for something more interesting, not coffee. And don’t change the subject.

  9. As a female, i would do this if i only wanted to keep it online. I don’t think she’s interested in meeting you tbh.

  10. She just wanted entertainment from you and attention but isn’t willing to date. Don’t bother pursuing anymore.

  11. She could have just been joking around then you changed the subject. She could be thinking she missed her shot.

    Text her: Do you still want to get coffee or are you busy?

    You give her an out. If you get another dodgy answer either its a no or she’s too immature.

  12. Not to sound like an ass, but assuming she can read, she saw what you asked.
    She ignored it.
    Man, I had a woman use me as her own personal therapist, but she never wanted to date. She would ghost me for weeks at a time, but I was a pussy-puss hoping for more. She was like a fair weather friend… except in reverse because she only called me when things was going bad for her.

  13. No. People who want to date you will make the effort to be clear about it. You deserve someone with the skill of providing clear communication.

  14. Make your intent very clear. Nobody should have to think that wanting to go further should involve long division or calculus type word play.

  15. I would take an unclear answer as a “no”, and depending on the circumstances possibly ask again down the line about a different day and activity. It’s not clear that it’s a no or what it’s a no to, but it’s unequivocally not a yes. If she gives you a vague answer a second time, then I’d take that as a no and drop it all together. There’s no harm in asking, but it’s disrespectful and problematic when it becomes a pattern.

  16. Let it go. When people act vague, they usually want to say no. If she does want to, she can offer since she was vague about it.

  17. Was it a scheduling conflict? Or a deflection. The fact that she texts you daily is a good sign… but only if you don’t turn into her texting buddy rather than bf.

    I would stop texting her so much and back off. Let her text you next. Text her less frequently and not respond immediately. If she’s not going to make an effort for you, you should put less emphasis on her. Let her earn the next opportunity. When she does reach out, reward her by asking her out.

  18. Only a yes means yes. Everything else, is a no. She could be shy, or socially awkward, or doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.

    Just be a friend.

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