For men in their 30s: is it true that women find you more attractive when you get into your late 20s to 30s?

  1. Nope. One of the biggest lies in the business.

    Some men have this perception for one of two reasons:

    1. They grew out of whatever issues they had when they were younger, and have actually improved themselves.

    2. A lot of women get desperate to have a baby and will take anyone who comes their way.

  2. People are attracted to the confidence that comes with giving far less fucks as you get older.

  3. I feel like I was at my hottest in my late teen years. But I didn’t know that I was hot until years later. I struggled with women in my 20s, was married for most of my 30s. Late 30s, when I was single for the first time in 15 years I was slaying. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions.

  4. Yes and no. Women my own age or slightly older are more attracted to me than the same women would have been 10 years ago. Women in their early to mid 20s are still mostly apathetic to me, which is probably a good thing.

  5. I’m not sure about physically attractive, but I did find that I was apparently more appealing overall as I got older. I think the main reason for that though is that I improved myself and became more confident, not anything about physical appearance.

  6. I am just shy of 39 and I have consistently gotten better looking over the years. Grey hairs are starting to creep in but I’m lucky enough to have a full head of hair and a good beard. Dating has been a pretty dry spell since covid but for awhile there I was getting girls I never ever would have gotten when I was younger.

  7. If you’ve invested in yourself, Yes.

    They’re more attractive because you’re more capable and confident.

  8. Not in my case. My dating/sex life in my 30s has been pretty barren compared to my 20s (which weren’t exactly a bacchanal either).

  9. I think they like the confidence, sense of direction, and stability more than the fact ur older.

  10. Needs change, therefore what you find attractive changes with it.

    It’s not more or less than before, but as you grow older you care a lot more about “the inside” than “the outside”

  11. If you actually put effort into life its true.
    Always be low to mid 20s females interested in man thats got clear path in life and is working hard to obtain his goals.
    Men in their 20s are figuring it out and are just starting to work towards goals.

    If you just work and do nothing in terms of building no you will not become attractive.

  12. Strictly speaking, no. It isn’t something that just happens, you need to have a decent baseline to begin with and then put in quite a bit of work.

  13. I’m 33. You can see my picture in my profile.

    Unfortunately, I do not get any matches or even looks from women when I go out. I’d probably say I’m around average, maybe below average in looks. I dress well and workout but it doesn’t really matter. It has changed anything for me.

    The only thing that you can actually do is take a risk and get rejected by going up to some and trying to chat. It’s really the only way you’ll know. Other than that, women will very rarely go up and approach guys. They’re very content just being out and about and taking the passive role and letting the guys do the work.

  14. Idk, I got married around 27.

    The most attention I got was from 18-25? But then I met my wife.

    I think it would have been easier to date now w a home, two cars a motorcycle and masters degree?

    Def had a few girls curve me when I had one beat truck, bachelors, and low net worth.

  15. Nothing to do with attractiveness. It’s the security and stability that is appealing to most of them. Particularly the financial kind.

  16. No, but men are delusional and believe this to be true.

    In reality what happens is that women realize the men they were having sex with in their 20s were just using them for cheap sex and have no intention to commit to them, so then they lower their standards and look for a guy who will commit.

    So essentially you are the second choice.

    Also both genders age like shit.

  17. I would say that I’ve noticed that I get more attention from the 18-25 crowd now, for sure. I don’t really do anything with that attention because I’m not all that interested in dating somebody that is 5+ years younger than me (obviously there are likely to be exceptions to that rule), and I’m not the “one night stand” type of person. It is nice to get the attention, though. It’s a nice confidence boost, if nothing else.

  18. Late 20s and I’ve definitely found myself being approached by women around age 20 more often than when I was that age.

  19. Uhhh. No. When I hit my mid 30s, I literally became invisible to women in their 20s. It was like they couldn’t see me even if I was standing right in front of them. Been that way ever since.

  20. Yes, if you get your shit together and live an attractive lifestyle, if you’re out of shape, broke, and boring then no…women are generally attracted to men who have certain characteristics like leadership, drive, and personality and who have cultivated some form of success for themselves…It’s why you often see average and below average but successful men with stunning wives who are younger than them because women prioritize different things than men…as a man you might look at a super confident/successful man who’s not very good-looking and think “what does she see in him” but women might look at him and think “There’s something about him that’s so sexy, the way he carries himself, his lifestyle, it’s so hot”

    So cultivate an interesting lifestyle, focus on your career, get interesting hobbies, do interesting things, get out and learn how to socialize etc. and yes, when you’re in your mid-30s you will have more success with women.

  21. Definitely. Men are attractive for reasons beyond their looks. Establishing a career and becoming confident takes a lot longer for most guys. So that discomfort you exhibited when you were younger is mostly gone, especially since you’re now on the same level of attractiveness as a beautiful woman.

    Obviously this doesn’t apply if you’ve done nothing with your life or if you’ve let yourself go physically.

  22. Yes, mainly because you have money and drive that most low 20s don’t have and you have a goal in mind.

  23. I just know the more I gain years, the more women in general and younger men treat me positively.

    Now in early thirties and it seems to me that I have more options than before.

    There are probably many factors that come into this, now I have more confidence, more experience, more money/status, but it still strikes me how first encounters, when the woman still knows nothing of me, are just much smoother.

  24. Very, But I have my life together and am in shape.

    The pool of women I can and do date is larger but the pool I WANT to date is much smaller.

  25. Not always, but do younger girls find older men attractive sometimes? Yes. All depends on who you ask.

  26. Since I’ve always looked, felt, and believed I am a steaming pile of turd in the attractiveness scale, id suggest that as im in my 30s I do find that perhaps the turd has dried out and is at least not steaming any more.

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