How do I start a real conversation?

  1. Depends on what you mean by ‘real’, but it helps to have a topic to work with and to be inquisitive. For example: What’s your favorite book? Favorite sports team? Dream job?

    Listen to their answer and ask questions to show your interest. The more you can keep them talking, the less you have to talk, but the more you know about them.

  2. What do you think deja vu is?

    Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

    What was the most trouble you ever got into?

    If you could go back in time and kill anyone (except a dictator) who would it be and why?

    What odd thing scares you?

  3. Asking about siblings is probably my favorite question when meeting new people.

    1. It’s personal and everybody has different experiences with their siblings. Some loving, some not so and they’re always somewhere on that journey.

    2. It tells you a lot about their personality. First born, middle and last born children share a lot in common, and whether you’re born in the same or opposite position in your family order, you’ll have conversations that you can agree and disagree about with each other.

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