My girlfriend isn’t too crazy about so we only do it when she feels like it but when we spend the night together i am always tempted to wake her up with morning sex but I feel like that’s just taking advantage.

  1. You have to get her consent that she wants you to do that. Just ask. If not, break up or deal with it.

  2. You’re looking for enthusiasm not just consent here. If she’s not crazy about it, I personally wouldn’t be doing anything like that even on the days she agrees.

  3. That’s rape unless she consents to it before she falls asleep. For instance my wife and I both enjoy being woken up by sex so we gave each other permission to do that. Typically if either one of us is planning on doing that we mention it to the other so they have a heads up.

  4. You absolutely need to get concent first when she’s completely awake and lucid. I love sleep sex, but I’m also free use and my partner knows he has my full permission and encouragement. If you do it without that, its not concensual, and she could consider it rape.

  5. As long as it’s discussed and enthuastic consent is given, it’s ok. If you try it (or anything for that matter) without consent, it’s sexual assualt.

  6. So firstly I wanted to acknowledge and recognize that you able to have empathy for your gf to question your actions. So good on you for that.

    So you say « I am tempted to wake her up » so i don’t know if you mean that you try to wake her, she does not and the. You start having sex with her while she sleeps (I.e penetration) and she does not wake up and only wake up in the middle of it

    If this what is happening then you need to ask her when she is awake if she is okay with that type of sex and gives you permission to do that.(some like it some don’t)

    Hope this helps a bit

  7. My wife loves being woken to piv sex.

    It took me some time to understand that she had the right to give me prior consent and that I wasn’t respecting her wishes by not doing it.

    If she shares your kink, just grab some lube (since she won’t be physically aroused) to majevit comfortable until she starts getting wet.

    So, just have a conversation about consent and what it means in your relationship and act accordingly.

    Have fun!

  8. Are you fkn serous?
    It’s rape if you just have sex with her when she’s sleeping!
    She needs to be awake for it.
    Sex with someone unconscious or sleeping is rape

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