What is your personal good luck charm and why?

  1. my car keys, here’s why, because every time I see it I’m reminded how hard I’ve worked and how much i overcame to earn this dream car that I drive, it motivates me to continue working harder and to not give up because of how far I’ve come and its special to me, call me weird all you want but my car keys is my lucky charm to be honest

  2. My favorite jacket. It somehow goes with everything, and feels like armor and a security blanket all rolled into one.

  3. when I was like 10 i used to collect rocks (crystal girl before it was cool). i painted it half green and half blue and put green polka dots on it. the two colors represent earth and water. my favorite elements. i don’t have the rock anymore but the visual memory of it brings me back to a simpler time- my childhood. when i remember, everything seems to go right.

  4. My mom. I know she is constantly praying over me and my brother. They say a mothers prayer is a powerful thing. Some people might say I’m lucky but I feel like I’m blessed. Both me and my brother have been through difficult situations but we always manage to come out of it. I believe her prayers/positive vibes or whatever you want to call it has a lot to do with it.

  5. I have my old car fob on my keys. I totaled my car all the airbags deployed (boy does the steering wheel one hurt!) and walked away with bruises.

  6. My necklace. It’s a pretty simple one but I love it with all my heart and it makes me feel lucky from the day that I put it on. It’s from one of my closest friends, that gave it to me in 7th grade, so I can remember him. And every time I look at it, it just makes me smile, cuz it was given to me in a moment in which noone was talking or caring ab me. I’m now 11th grade and I still haven’t put off this necklace.

  7. Two dollar bill that was given to me as change at a strip club back in the day. They were doing this promotional event and I remember we entered a raffle and after I got the bill me and my friends had won bottle service for the night. Now if I feel that I need luck, I tuck that bad boy into my bra. This goes back about 11 years lol.

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