Been seeing this guy for a month. We agreed two days ago that we are exclusively seeing each other meaning that we aren’t in a relationship(we both agreed we don’t want to rush that) but we aren’t dating/seeing other people.

Over the past week and a bit he’s taking forever to respond to my texts when he would be so keen to talk to me before. He will text me, I’ll reply and then he will take hours to reply back. I don’t get why even bother starting a conversation with me if you aren’t going to continue it.

We saw each other on Monday and when we are in person he is so attentive and sweet but once we aren’t in person anymore it’s like he forgets I exist for hours at a time.

I get we are all busy, but everyone has their phone with them at all times. It’s not hard.

It leaves me confused and wondering if he even if interested or is talking to other people

1 comment
  1. It can mean he’s less interested or maybe he’s just not glued to his phone all the time. You said it’s changed over the last week. Maybe something new came up recently at work or whatever.

    If you’re still going on dates, and he seems into you, I’d say don’t stress about it. Or rather than texting, you could call each other sometimes

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