So I’m 28(M) and have been single all my life. Struggled with social anxiety for a really long time. I’ve been trying to go out more often to meet someone but when I do manage to drag myself into a bar I don’t really speak to anyone and have a real hard time with that. I struggle to order myself a drink.

I just have this crippling fear of being treated badly. I suppose I have the belief that everyone is against me and would make fun of me because that’s amusing to them. It’s happened so much in my past and it got to me. I am very apprehensive around new people.

I don’t want to be alone anymore. I want a wife and family more than anything but never even had a gf in my life. I never focused on social skills/personality much I thought I needed money for dating and didn’t have much at all earlier. I’m afraid I’ll be alone forever and thats not a life I want to live. I’m very unhappy to say the least existing this way. If anyone overcame this type of situation then advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  1. Your only choice is to get horny enough where your horniness will win over your fear. Look, I don’t have good news for you. The only way to get over your anxiety is to surrender to it and you seem to be resisting the very thing that will cure you. Unless you solve that, there is no hope for you.

  2. I am 22 with a little social anxiety, it has slowly been improving over the past few years but it used to be so bad that I would hardly go out. I cant completely relate to your fears but I get not wanting to get hurt, thats scary af. I’ve also never been in a relationship so take what I have to say with a grain of salt. But there isn’t a timeline when you have to accomplish things. The right person will come along eventually, just keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, keep going to the bars and whatever else you like to do. Good luck

  3. Go to a nursing home and spend time with people that are in desperate need for human connection. Sit with them, ask how they are feeling, listen to their stories and share your dreams and problems with them. Older people have a lot of experience and you’ll learn to trust people while helping others.

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