I’m 24 now. When I was 18 I had a football launched at my semi-erect penis and ever since then my erections never had the same flexibility.

If I am laying down, my penis points to my belly button and can only be pushed out 30-40 degrees (where 90 degrees is the penis facing straight up) – so cowgirl position is off the table. If I am standing up the situation is better – the penis can be pushed down to 90 degrees (so the erect penis is pointing straight out instead of up).

I am a virgin because I have always been nervous about sex because of this issue but I wonder if I am overthinking it. How would I even bring this up to a girl?

  1. I think your over thinking it mate. But if it does bother you that much I would recommend going and seeing a urologist. I too had something wrong with my penis but because of lots of mental health problems I didn’t see a urologist to fix it until I was 34 years old. I did regret waiting that long because I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 34. Message me if you want to talk more about it mate.

  2. Limitation of angle is pretty normal – my husband says it hurts to move it in certain directions so we just dont do that. You’ll be totally fine, dont need to bring it up. If she tries something you know will hurt just go ‘ooft my dick doesnt bend that way’ and try something else

  3. That sounds pretty normal for many erection…. Just don’t worry about it and see what works when you find a partner to have sex with.

  4. This is not a problem but probably a feature if your partners are primarily people with a vagina. The upper wall (anterior) of the vagina is very sensitive so if you’re penetrating at an upward angle you’re more likely to stimulate that area which corresponds to the g-spot.

    My partner and I hit that magic angle by placing a pillow under her bottom for standard missionary and then I penetrate at an upward angle driving towards her navel. She places her feet on my shoulders and that allows her to adjust her hips to find the sweet spot.

    For you, I would almost call this angle a super power when it comes to missionary position sex. I can’t help but think that angle is going to do you a lot of favors.

    I wouldn’t bother bringing it up as a flaw although I understand that you may have some anxiety and that is totally okay. I think once you get with a partner you’re going to find out that this is probably a good thing.

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