What are some thing you (almost) always do right after work? For me, I work in retail, so I almost always buy a strawberry Müllermilk right after my shift. They’re great after working hard and getting thirsty!

  1. Going to teashop for some good cup of tea, shisha and just sitting, relaxing, reading or sometimes preparing for the next day.

  2. Drive home. Start on dinner. Start a load of dishes and/or clothes sometimes both, play with the dogs a bit, get ready for the kids/wife to get home

  3. I work overnights for now, so when I get off at 6am I directly to the gym. The. After that, I got home, eat play my madden franchise game, then head to bed.

  4. Biking home for 25 minutes, getting home, start preparing dinner, eating dinner, doing the dishes, doing the chore-of-the-day, have a coffee and go on Reddit until I finished my coffee, jerk off, take a shower, prepare lunch for the next day, mayyybe if I’m lucky and have the time I can watch one tv show episode or read 15 pages before I have to go brush my teeth and go to sleep.

  5. I do work from home, and stay with my friends who has work from office. By the time i complete my work, I’ll go for a walk for hit the gym. And come back , crush the weed and roll a joint , wait for my buddies, smoke up.. go out have food.. sleep.

  6. Shower, put something in the oven eat and then usually fall asleep scrolling through tiktok

  7. I go home, change clothes and go to the gym.
    After that I study while eating something, I clean or do my chores and then if I haven’t gotten my macros for the day eat another thing and then go shower and sleep.

  8. Get home, hug and kiss my husband, shower, then cuddle with hubby on the couch till either I or the housekeep cooks dinner

  9. If the cat is awake, fix him a plate of canned food. Get change into comfortable (sweats or pajamas) clothes.

  10. 3 nights a week I have martial arts after work, so I eat and then head to class. On the 2 nights I have nothing going on, I just relax with a book or some music.

  11. A glass of iced tea and some quality time with my little glass pipe on the porch to help me unwind and get myself ready for the family.

  12. I have my 30 minute walk home; occasionally, I’ll buy a soda or beer for the walk. It’s usually much too early or much too late to call anyone, but on occasion, I can catch up with people.

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