You see, I [22M] have two FWBs (both [23M]). One of them is someone I was sorta dating last year but we drifted away. Recently, we reconnected and decided we are better off with the goodies of our relationship. The other one is a friend who I’ve known for a couple of years but we mostly messeged lately and we’ve been flirty for a while. Since then we decided to be more physical. I come from a sort of nosy family, we like to know what we are doing pretty often so it makes me feel bad having to keep this a secret and the included inconveniences of not having a bedroom to get to bussiness. What should I do?

TL;DR: I don’t know whether I should tell my family about two boys I have physical attraction.

  1. Your sex life is none of their business.

    On the other hand I hope you’ve let your fwb know you have another so everyone can be safe and informed

  2. If you feel compelled to share your relationship status with your family, just tell them you’re occasionally casually dating, but nothing serious. They don’t need to know you’re in the “talking phase” with one person, having sex with another, etc. That’s too much info. If you want to share anything, just say the “casually dating once in awhile” thing.

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