Edit: I formulated it false, it is BEFORE a relationship, she is only a mate from work/school/university etc. but you both are good friends.

  1. She’s making up a reason to break up. Unfortunately the one thing in a relationship you don’t have to have consent for is ending it. If my partner thinks we need to end it, I can ask why, but if she walks, that’s it, she made her decision, and I learned a long time ago that if she’s doing this as a means to get attention rather than talk about it I’m really better off letting her go because that’s manipulative as fuck.

  2. Translation: I don’t want to date you but I don’t wanna say the real reason and hurt your feelings.

  3. I think there are definitely people who don’t see themselves as “worthy” to be with someone who is too kind or genuine. There are some people who are so used to being used or whatever that someone being nice is disconcerting

  4. dude, if a woman says that to you it means she isn’t sexually attracted to you and she is trying to let you down easily.

    You think women would reject or dump Chris Hemsworth or Henry Cavill if they were as nice of a person as a catholic saint or something?

  5. you’re a nice guy but you’re ugly.

    either that or she’s nuts and you dodged a bullet frankly

  6. She’s either lying to protect my feelings. Or she has trauma that tells her she doesn’t deserve to be treated well. Probably the former, but either way, move on if you have romantic intentions.

  7. You aren’t bad enough for her to want you to fuck her brains out.
    Or you don’t offer her anything she needs. Cos you can be ugly as fuk but if you’ve got something she needs like money or power she’ll fuk you and tie you down.

  8. It doesn’t matter what reason she gives, it’s the “we can’t have a relationship” part that matters. She’s telling you you won’t be dating or any of the things that come with dating.

    Don’t waste your time wondering what she meant by that, all that matters is the “no.”

    Be your honest self, don’t waste time wondering how you can change yourself to appeal to a particular woman. If she doesn’t like WHO you are then she’s not going to become romantically involved. Don’t waste your time trying to turn a no into a yes. Invest your time in meeting women who will like you for who you are.

    Adding this…

    If she is to be taken at her word (i.e. that you are “too kind”), what she mostly probably means is that you are making too much of an effort to suck up to her. She means that you are acting desperate and needy, and you are willing to subordinate yourself to her. She doesn’t want a servant or an emotional burden, she wants a partner. A genuine partner.

  9. Accept it with dignity, and pat myself on the back for having the balls to put myself in a vulnerable position.

    I’d probably want to keep my distance for a while though.

  10. I don’t keep friends or even friendly acquaintances who talk like that, to me or otherwise.

  11. It’s just another way for people who lack the confidence to be direct to reject me. Wouldn’t think anything of it and just move on.

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