What are some of the topics or things u would like to talk about or listen to when meeting a girl for the first time or a first date?

  1. I just ask questions about her: school, work, family, hobbies, pets, taste in music, etc.

  2. I would like for her to talk more about whatever so I can comment on it and add in my own thing. Personally I’ve gone on many dates where I have to be the one to initiate conversation.

  3. I wanna know everything about you, I love a woman who talks too much, if you have a gorgeous face & personality to match I’m all yours.

  4. I hit all the big stuff immediately.

    Kids, political and religious views. Let’s get the big stuff out of the way.

  5. Favorite comic book movie? What shows / video games did you grow up with? What are your hobbies and why do you do them?

    The best questions to ask someone you don’t know are deep, simple questions that elicit a wordy response naturally…

  6. I think this is an odd way of looking at it, because it’s not a matter of what I want to talk about or hear. I want to get to know someone, so if they love cats and anime that’s what I want to hear about. I personally don’t like those things but that’s the point of a date; now I know if we’re compatible or have things in common.

    You don’t have to go on a date with a set plan to talk about your background, your life plan, religion, politics, kids etc. I believe you should just be yourself and whatever happens happens.

  7. I dunno.

    Music, movies, genetic engineering, natural selection, aesthetics, and how we should focus on solving the obesity disease that is afflicting the western world, you know, just small talk?

  8. I just start with simple stuff such as her likes and dislikes. Based off of her answers I’d select one of the things she likes and make that the topic of conversation.

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