So, apparently the relationship Im (M16) currently in is toxic, or not good, according to my therapist. I guess I’ve known for a while and I’m just scared to admit it. Basically she(F16) has a tendency to over dramaticize things, doesn’t admit fault for things she does that upsets me, gets upset when I’m upset and then gets even more upset when I don’t comfort her, etc (I can put more of it in the comments if y’all want me to). At first I thought it was me and tried to change for her but it didn’t help, and my therapist thinks it’s more about her then me. I always leave hanging out with her tired and it can be really difficult to hang out every day of the week like she wants.

I don’t want to leave her, I don’t know if it’s because I love her or because I’m scared of being alone. I’ve had a history of depression, and I’ve had an attempt or two on my life before I met her, and I really don’t want to go through it again. I really don’t want to be alone and I don’t really have any friends other than her. I’m terrified about this, but my relationship isn’t having a good affect on me and I really don’t know what to do.

Tldr: I’m in a bad relationship, but scared of being alone

Can anyone help? If anyone has any questions I’m perfectly willing to answer

  1. It’s better to be alone than be in a toxic situation. Your therapist knows you better than we do, I think you should listen to them.

  2. You really need to work with your therapist on being okay with being alone. Otherwise you’re setting yourself up for terrible codependent unhealthy relationships.

    You already realize half of the issue which is that this does sound like a bad relationship. That’s really important! Now you need to work on the other half of the issue that you need to be OK with just yourself.

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